Couple of new movies I watched Pixels and These Final Hours

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Couple of new movies I watched Pixels and These Final Hours

Post by thesalmonofdoubt »

First things first ..

Pixels I know this movie received broad criticism from this board some time back and I really didn't have any interest in watching it - then a couple of people I know IRL saw it and liked it and I became curious, not so much because I respect their taste in movies (one of them made me suffer thru all 38 hours of Spacewalks - which was just terrible) but because if someone out there liked it there may be a chance I am missing out on an underrated gem.

I wasn't missing out on anything. This movie is just awful. Admittedly, its started off fine. Could have been a goofy implausible Adam Sandler comedy where one was simply asked to ignore all the silliness in favour of accepting its an unsophisticated good fun comedy.. Started losing me when they had Blart as the president of the USA, the love interest was so distractingly shoehorned, and it just wasn't funny .. No redeeming features aside from it being a good fun idea - along the lines of Ghostbusters that probably would have done alright if it was released in the 80's but - for this audience - I hated it. 3/10 cos the effects were alright.

These final hours - Way way better than I was expecting. Kinda formulaic, people keep comparing it to the Steve Carrell movie that I haven't seen so, cannot meaningfully comment on how original it was. All I can say is that its a small budget Australian movie that is beautifully shot, authentically acted, tells a decent tale of redemption with the youngest cast member putting in an amazingly good performance.
It's not a game changer but its definitely worth a watch if you are fans of good Indie cinema.

The plot is essentially - A meteor has slammed into the north Atlantic ocean and the devastating shock wave is making its way around the globe with the residents of Perth being the last of the list to know that their fate is sealed. The place goes to shit with people immediately going primal all over the shop. A self absorbed Aussie lad decides to ditch his bit on the side to spend his last moments at a party to end all parties and along the way finds himself in charge of a little girl who's looking for her father to spend her last moments with.

The plot kinda undersells the movie - I really loved it more because I was surprised at just how genuinely moving certain scenes were .. good solid 7.5/10.
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