Lol dude angrily refutes TFA nitpicking

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Re: Lol dude angrily refutes TFA nitpicking

Post by Monk »

I remember reading the Huffpost article and I couldn't get through it due to nonsensical nitpicking, and the fact that many of the complaints/questions were literally addressed in the movie. Also, he didn't name a single plot hole. Not one.
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Re: Lol dude angrily refutes TFA nitpicking

Post by Cassius Clay »

I just love the guys kind of dismissive/sassy passion in his refutations. Funny as hell to me. And, yeah, people are just being lazy and contrarian to seem intelligent.
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Re: Lol dude angrily refutes TFA nitpicking

Post by Monk »

Oh yeah, that response was great.
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Re: Lol dude angrily refutes TFA nitpicking

Post by BruceSmith78 »

I agree with a couple of the Huff Post guy's complaints, although they weren't plot holes. I don't remember those tentacle things dragging anybody else around the ship just for laughs, but I might have missed it. I think Rey mastered the force way too easily, although that could be explained in a later film (Anakin reincarnation theory, I'm looking at you). I also think Poe disappearing from the crash and reappearing later with a brush-off explanation was trite, and if he ejected, when did he have time to take off his jacket? I didn't get the feeling the Kylo Ren and Han thing was a setup, and I remember thinking at the time, "Why doesn't he know Han's right behind him, if he could feel him the instant he landed on the planet?" The refutation for that does make sense though. I didn't like the chasm opening up between Kylo and Rey at the last minute, although I got the symbolism and that it could be the force exerting it's "will" on the situation. It was just eye-rollingly cheesy for me.

Another of my biggest complaints, that I didn't see in that article, was how easy it was to capture the leader of the storm troopers and take her to a room where she can deactivate the base's shields with the push of a button. Again, not a plot hole, but it seemed like lazy writing. I mentioned that in another thread and Monk pointed out the OT was guilty of this as well, which may well be true, but I still wish their improvised plan was a little more creative, or at least not so easy to carry out.

I also complained about BB8 ending up with Rey by pure chance, but I'm willing to accept there may be more to those circumstances than what we are aware. There was an explanation for R2 ending up with Luke, but iirc it wasn't fully explained in the first film.

One thing I really liked in this film, which I haven't seen many people talking about, was the wit and humor. I don't remember any funny moments in the PT, but Finn was great at providing comic relief.
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Re: Lol dude angrily refutes TFA nitpicking

Post by Cassius Clay »

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Re: Lol dude angrily refutes TFA nitpicking

Post by Monk »

BruceSmith78 wrote:I agree with a couple of the Huff Post guy's complaints, although they weren't plot holes. I don't remember those tentacle things dragging anybody else around the ship just for laughs, but I might have missed it. I think Rey mastered the force way too easily, although that could be explained in a later film (Anakin reincarnation theory, I'm looking at you). I also think Poe disappearing from the crash and reappearing later with a brush-off explanation was trite, and if he ejected, when did he have time to take off his jacket? I didn't get the feeling the Kylo Ren and Han thing was a setup, and I remember thinking at the time, "Why doesn't he know Han's right behind him, if he could feel him the instant he landed on the planet?" The refutation for that does make sense though. I didn't like the chasm opening up between Kylo and Rey at the last minute, although I got the symbolism and that it could be the force exerting it's "will" on the situation. It was just eye-rollingly cheesy for me.

Another of my biggest complaints, that I didn't see in that article, was how easy it was to capture the leader of the storm troopers and take her to a room where she can deactivate the base's shields with the push of a button. Again, not a plot hole, but it seemed like lazy writing. I mentioned that in another thread and Monk pointed out the OT was guilty of this as well, which may well be true, but I still wish their improvised plan was a little more creative, or at least not so easy to carry out.

I also complained about BB8 ending up with Rey by pure chance, but I'm willing to accept there may be more to those circumstances than what we are aware. There was an explanation for R2 ending up with Luke, but iirc it wasn't fully explained in the first film.

One thing I really liked in this film, which I haven't seen many people talking about, was the wit and humor. I don't remember any funny moments in the PT, but Finn was great at providing comic relief.

There were a few points in the article that I can see as potential problems, but most of them seemed really nitpicky to me (like how or when Poe took off his jacket seems entirely irrelevant to me). Yeah, it was strange that the chasm suddenly appeared between Ren and Rey, but a similar one occurred just moments earlier (and Rey was nearly pushed into it by Ren before he said something like "I could train you!"). I don't think Ren intentionally set up Han, but I'm not sure the force can be used like GPS device. Ren could feel Han's presence, but that doesn't mean he could sense where he was within a 5 meter radius. Vader could sense that Obi Wan was on the Death Star in A New Hope, but it's not clear he knew exactly where he was.
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Re: Lol dude angrily refutes TFA nitpicking

Post by BruceSmith78 »

I just can't imagine any situation that would prompt a person to say, "I'm about to crash my aircraft, but before I eject, first let me take off my jacket," unless the jacket was on fire, which it clearly wasn't. That scene where it appeared Poe died made me feel there would be consequences in this conflict, and just because we meet a new, likable character, it doesn't mean they're gonna survive. I liked that. Then that got pissed on with, "I just woke up and I was okay, I dunno what happened." It rubbed me wrong.

I realize the planet was breaking apart and chasms were opening up all over, but that one opened at a very convenient, or inconvenient, time and place. I mean really, they all did when you think about it, seeing as how all of the main characters managed to avoid them, but that last one just made me roll my eyes. Maybe it was the cumulative effect of every other convenient coincidence leading up to it that made me judge it so harshly.

You're probably right about the force not working like a GPS device. I'll concede on that point.
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Re: Lol dude angrily refutes TFA nitpicking

Post by Monk »

I just checked some message boards and people said he took off his jacket when they first got into the tie fighter. Also, I think by keeping Poe alive, the audience becomes a bit more invested in the X-Wing battle at the end of the movie. Otherwise it would have just been a bunch of unknown characters

And I agree that the chasm thing was a bit....convenient. But it wasn't entirely outrageous given the circumstances and previous chasms, but I didn't love it
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Re: Lol dude angrily refutes TFA nitpicking

Post by Cassius Clay »

I don't mind the chasm thing because it's symbolic...though not very subtle.
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