Grab them by the pussy?

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Grab them by the pussy?

Post by Cassius Clay »

It's absolutely over. Any pathetic veneer of respectability left is completely finished. It's become too transparent and too difficult to rationalize.
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Re: Grab them by the pussy?

Post by Faustus5 »

His supporters just won't care. Most of them probably chuckled over it.
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Re: Grab them by the pussy?

Post by Blade Azaezel »

Yet still there are people out there who support him:
Rickey Varner Agree!

We all make mistakes and say and do things on the journey of life we regret but what counts is repenting by learning from our mistakes, seeking forgiveness and moving forward.

Same people judging trump are no better probably just as wicked or wickeder.

Hillary Clinton better start repenting because she has a resume of wrong doing I believe much greater than what trump has and her husband also.

I been wondering for years what kind of marriage the clintons actually have when bill Clinton makes trips to orgy island.

Judge not that you be not judged the scriptures say so if we are going to judge trump then let's judge the clintons also just as fiercely.
Seems one sided!

Hillary has been in politics for to long has done nothing but lied, deceived, much corruption and the list goes on and on and it's time for change and out of the two options we have as Americans I believe let's give trump a chance.
America has never had a perfect president ever!
Trump has others who will hold him accountable as president and I believe he does sincerely want to help America and Americans.

Trump 2016
Fred Yenne For all you butt hurt Dems. You better look at some fine examples of democratic men, and I use that term loosely better look at how their men have treated women. Had 3 Kennedy men that were womanizers. JFK, and RFK were humping Marilyn Monroe. JFK while he was in the White House. RFK while he was working for JFK in the White House. Teddy got a woman pregnant, then killed her. Bill Clinton had many accusers of rape. While he was running for office, and while in office. Good ole Bill stuck his white owl up Monica's va jay jay. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
William Connolly F$ck you, NBC. Running interference for a criminal. I'll take a womanizer over a foreign bribe-taking, "the law doesn't apply to me" megalomaniac any day. Not to mention, her husband is a rapist, and HE was President.
Vilma Heath This so stupid!how came people waist time with something what's happening so long a go!
If we going to talk about dirty things,what about what Bill Clinton did at the oval office at the white house?at list at that time trump was not a president of united States!who supports give a example 4 the whole world!us a matter fact pay by the tax pay people like me this is what a call ashamed!!I'm a woman and i am sure is a lot issues more important than that to bring out like Americans who work for the government include protect us with their only lives and be left behind by the on government and politicians who just seat and their offices and enjoying the power we give to them!if whoever believe when Bill get caught was the first time?ah,ah,ah......get a life and focus in something really important like our future.not judge what people did and past this is nobody job but GOD!only god can judge
GinaLynn Ivey Oh good greif! Yall honestly can't tell me that yall (men) haven't thought it or said it either. I don't condone it. But it was what? 11 years ago. Come on! I guarantee that most of yall probably have done worse and haven't gotten caught! It doesn't matter to all the crap Hillary done and she has been caught over,over, and over! Everything she done she lied about it, at least he was honest enough to admit his mistakes and ask for forgiveness. But no, nobody has the guts to forgive the guy for something that happened 11 years ago! Your ready to vote in a liar, a thief, and a don't forget she let 4, 4 of our soldiers die in Bengazi, lie about it to THEIR FAMILIES and yall want her in. Yeah, we're doomed. Either way we're doomed with either one. But at least Trump confessed and asked forgiveness of his wrongdoing. I don't see or hear Hillary doing that!
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Re: Grab them by the pussy?

Post by Derived Absurdity »

We're going to need a bigger basket.
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Re: Grab them by the pussy?

Post by aels »

I was thinking the other day about what Trump could do to lose his supporters and I think that even if he was caught with child pornography, he would claim it was a set up by political rivals and people would believe him. We are now living in a post-factual universe. Nothing matters *walks into the sea*
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Re: Grab them by the pussy?

Post by Derived Absurdity »

People are looking at Trump's supporters all wrong when they try to guess what could cause them to finally abandon him. They're assuming they share the same basic moral barometer as the rest of us, when the very fact that they support Trump shows that they don't. Trump is one of the worst human beings to ever live, and he just gets shown to be worse as every day goes by, and his very awfulness is why his followers like him. Therefore, it would logically follow that the only thing that would cause them to abandon him would be if he showed less awfulness. So for his followers to actually start abandoning him, he needs to do something normal people would think is good. Like declare himself a feminist (lol, that'd be hilarious). Or say that racism (against non-whites, that needs to be specified) is still a thing. Or acknowledge that being the head of the birther movement for several years was kind of a bad thing and that he feels sorry for it. Or anything like that. If he does that you'll see him lose support bigly.
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Re: Grab them by the pussy?

Post by aels »

You're absolutely right.
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Re: Grab them by the pussy?

Post by Derived Absurdity »

When am I not right?


(but rly tho)
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Re: Grab them by the pussy?

Post by Cassius Clay »

People support Trump because they're terrible people with shitty values. But, even terrible people like to believe they are "good" people. And that's the key here. It takes a certain level of mental gymnastics and/or rationalizations to square their shitty values with their fantasy of being/appearing "good". Some people have a harder time than others reconciling such things, and Trump keeps making it more and more difficult for them. The absurdity level is too damn high. We've got Trump defenders complaining about the use of the word "pussy" on tv while there to defend a candidate that basically admitted to sexual assault. We've got evangelicals shamelessly deflecting with "what about Bill?" if he's running for president. And now there's a Howard Stern tape of Trump saying more creepy shit about his daughter and about abusing his position to harass/assault women. The dissonance may be too much for some. Some people are going to snap, and be forced to be more honest with themselves. Not all his supporters are necessarily "die-hard".

And too many things are stacking up. As more and more folks distance themselves, support of Trump becomes less and less normalized. At the very least, I am getting some guilty enjoyment at the uncomfortable position many of his supporters find themselves in now.
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Re: Grab them by the pussy?

Post by Anakin McFly »

The media could start focusing more on how Trump said that Caitlyn Jenner could use whichever bathroom she wanted.
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Re: Grab them by the pussy?

Post by Boomer »

...the only people for me are the mad ones...
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Re: Grab them by the pussy?

Post by BruceSmith78 »

Blade Azaezel wrote:Yet still there are people out there who support him:
Rickey Varner Agree!

We all make mistakes and say and do things on the journey of life we regret but what counts is repenting by learning from our mistakes, seeking forgiveness and moving forward.

Same people judging trump are no better probably just as wicked or wickeder.

Hillary Clinton better start repenting because she has a resume of wrong doing I believe much greater than what trump has and her husband also.

I been wondering for years what kind of marriage the clintons actually have when bill Clinton makes trips to orgy island.

Judge not that you be not judged the scriptures say so if we are going to judge trump then let's judge the clintons also just as fiercely.
Seems one sided!

Hillary has been in politics for to long has done nothing but lied, deceived, much corruption and the list goes on and on and it's time for change and out of the two options we have as Americans I believe let's give trump a chance.
America has never had a perfect president ever!
Trump has others who will hold him accountable as president and I believe he does sincerely want to help America and Americans.

Trump 2016
Fred Yenne For all you butt hurt Dems. You better look at some fine examples of democratic men, and I use that term loosely better look at how their men have treated women. Had 3 Kennedy men that were womanizers. JFK, and RFK were humping Marilyn Monroe. JFK while he was in the White House. RFK while he was working for JFK in the White House. Teddy got a woman pregnant, then killed her. Bill Clinton had many accusers of rape. While he was running for office, and while in office. Good ole Bill stuck his white owl up Monica's va jay jay. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
William Connolly F$ck you, NBC. Running interference for a criminal. I'll take a womanizer over a foreign bribe-taking, "the law doesn't apply to me" megalomaniac any day. Not to mention, her husband is a rapist, and HE was President.
Vilma Heath This so stupid!how came people waist time with something what's happening so long a go!
If we going to talk about dirty things,what about what Bill Clinton did at the oval office at the white house?at list at that time trump was not a president of united States!who supports give a example 4 the whole world!us a matter fact pay by the tax pay people like me this is what a call ashamed!!I'm a woman and i am sure is a lot issues more important than that to bring out like Americans who work for the government include protect us with their only lives and be left behind by the on government and politicians who just seat and their offices and enjoying the power we give to them!if whoever believe when Bill get caught was the first time?ah,ah,ah......get a life and focus in something really important like our future.not judge what people did and past this is nobody job but GOD!only god can judge
GinaLynn Ivey Oh good greif! Yall honestly can't tell me that yall (men) haven't thought it or said it either. I don't condone it. But it was what? 11 years ago. Come on! I guarantee that most of yall probably have done worse and haven't gotten caught! It doesn't matter to all the crap Hillary done and she has been caught over,over, and over! Everything she done she lied about it, at least he was honest enough to admit his mistakes and ask for forgiveness. But no, nobody has the guts to forgive the guy for something that happened 11 years ago! Your ready to vote in a liar, a thief, and a don't forget she let 4, 4 of our soldiers die in Bengazi, lie about it to THEIR FAMILIES and yall want her in. Yeah, we're doomed. Either way we're doomed with either one. But at least Trump confessed and asked forgiveness of his wrongdoing. I don't see or hear Hillary doing that!

This is basically my Facebook feed today. People are even using 50 Shades of Grey to justify the shit Trump said. Smh
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Re: Grab them by the pussy?

Post by Anakin McFly »

The amount of rape on both sides of this election unsettles me and makes me glad I don't have to vote.

(I'm also wondering at the double standard of holding Hillary responsible for her husband's actions while not doing the same to Melania Trump. Or have people done that?)
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Re: Grab them by the pussy?

Post by Cassius Clay »
Trump, however, appears to be shedding support among evangelicals, who are usually a wellspring of support for Republican presidential candidates. Monday's poll showed that Trump had only a 1-point edge over Clinton among people who identified as evangelicals. That's down from a 12-point advantage for Trump in July.
The evangelicals are snapping.
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Re: Grab them by the pussy?

Post by Derived Absurdity »

Wow, who knew evangelicals cared so much about women's sexual autonomy.
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Re: Grab them by the pussy?

Post by Cassius Clay »

I suspect they care more about the explicitness/vulgarity than they care about the consent issue.
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Re: Grab them by the pussy?

Post by Anakin McFly »

Relevant John Oliver episode:

I'm also a bit disturbed by how I wasn't particularly disturbed by Trump's leaked comments because I've heard so much worse on the internet. I saw the video and thought "oh, that's it?"
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Re: Grab them by the pussy?

Post by Anakin McFly »

Just when you thought they couldn't possibly sink any lower, Trump supporters are calling for the repeal of women's right to vote because polls show Trump winning if only men vote: ... story.html
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Re: Grab them by the pussy?

Post by Derived Absurdity »

Boys are stupid.
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Re: Grab them by the pussy?

Post by Boomer »

Oh, it'll most likely sink even lower.

But, the election's over. Women are coming out and openly accusing Trump of sexual assault. He's done.

Hillary wins, we have at least 4 more years of "business as usual" for the American Establishment. Hooray. [none]

Crossing my fingers that maybe this heralds the death of the Republican party and that Libertarians and Greens can become more popular.
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Re: Grab them by the pussy?

Post by Anakin McFly »

I've seen articles that suggests the opposite might happen - if more people are confident that Trump can't possibly win, they might be less inclined to vote or more inclined to vote third-party, since a lot of people are only voting for Clinton in order to stop Trump and they deem him stopped. Whereas Trump supporters are desperate.
Women are coming out and openly accusing Trump of sexual assault.
Yep: ... women.html

From a commenter: "I'm an 18 year old college freshman, and in February I attend the Republican debate at Saint Anselm College in New Hampshire with my AP Government and Politics class. I went up to the stage during a commercial break and shook hands with several candidates. When I put my hand out to Trump, in a fashion that very clearly intended a handshake, he reached past my hand and touched my cheek, saying, "So beautiful." It was disturbing and inappropriate, especially since I was obviously a student (I was surrounded by a group of my peers and do not look particularly old for my age). I was in shock and I didn't say anything, but I regret not standing up to him for that small but unacceptable act."

Trump supporters have been responding to all that with Bill Clinton's history of sexual assault, because apparently being married to a rapist and adulterer is just as bad as being a rapist and adulterer. I still have yet to see anyone digging up Melania Trump's history to see if there's anything she's done that we can blame her husband for.
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Re: Grab them by the pussy?

Post by Boomer »

Trump supporters have been responding to all that with Bill Clinton's history of sexual assault, because apparently being married to a rapist and adulterer is just as bad as being a rapist and adulterer.
To be fair, this is often brought up to point out Hillary's (alleged) role in silencing and intimidating the women Bill is accused of sexually assaulting.
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Re: Grab them by the pussy?

Post by Derived Absurdity »

The hilarious (and by "hilarious" I mean infuriating and depressing)thing about that is that it's been reported that Trump has silenced and intimidated the many women who have come out and accused him of sexual assault.
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Re: Grab them by the pussy?

Post by Anakin McFly »

To be fair, this is often brought up to point out Hillary's (alleged) role in silencing and intimidating the women Bill is accused of sexually assaulting.
True, and those have a point; but it's still comparing someone who silences rape victims with someone who rapes those victims, and the fact they consider it at all equitable is deplorable. It makes even less sense when they talk about Bill cheating on her and make it out to be her fault, because she's the victim in that instance.

There was a post in which someone reframed Trump's greatest hits as being said by Obama instead, and the sad thing is that if Obama had said or done even one of those things, Republicans would be screaming for his blood. I doubt they'd be insisting it was just 'locker room talk' if a black man had bragged about sexually assaulting (white) women.
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Re: Grab them by the pussy?

Post by Cassius Clay » ... exual-5007

I assume this is a shot at GOP women who are suddenly outraged by the blatant misogyny, but never took issue with anything else before.
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Re: Grab them by the pussy?

Post by Anakin McFly »

Lol. I read it differently - saying that Trump just does openly what most other politicians do covertly.

also: ... m-changing
“I'll tell you the funniest is that I'll go backstage before a show and everyone's getting dressed," Trump told Howard Stern in recordings released Saturday by CNN. “No men are anywhere, and I'm allowed to go in, because I'm the owner of the pageant and therefore I'm inspecting it. … 'Is everyone OK?' You know, they're standing there with no clothes. 'Is everybody OK?' And you see these incredible looking women, and so I sort of get away with things like that."

Until now it was never alleged that this behavior extended to the teen pageant, in which contestants can be as old as 19 or as young as 14.
comment: "A number of you are insulting pigs by elevating Trump to one."

another: "So fifteen year old Ivanka says “Yeah, he does that." So it is normal to her that her father barges in when young girls are undressed.... um..."
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Re: Grab them by the pussy?

Post by Anakin McFly »

More of Trump hitting on children:

"Tribune archive: Trump once told 14-year-old girls, 'In a couple of years, I'll be dating you'" ... story.html
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Re: Grab them by the pussy?

Post by phe_de »

This reminds me of Silvio Berlusconi and his Bunga-Bunga parties.
Nevertheless, Berlusconi was elected Italian Prime Minister. Three times. But he did a terrible job.

But Italy survived. I expect the USA to survive as well. On the other hand, I hope Trump won't win.
Common sense is another word for prejudice.
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