I figure podcasts resemble audiobooks and therefore literature more than they do music, so this is probably the forum for it.
Anyways the people behind This American Life and the mega-podcast hit Serial released every episode of their new series S-Town yesterday. Several years ago a man named John contacted Brian Reed, one of the producers for This American Life, with this story about how a murder was covered up by a wealthy family in the Alabama town he lives in. It initially sounds like another true crime documentary podcast like Serial, and this is even what Brian thinks he's getting into.
Without trying to spoil it, this isn't a suspensful true crime tale really. Things take a turn and its become this weird and fucking sad exploration of one of the parts of America that end up forgotten, and how people react to that. Seriously, I cannot emphasize enough how much this shit has made me tear up.
There are seven episodes, and I've listened to the first three. They're all available through iTunes for free, on the official website for the podcast, and I'd assume other podcasting applications as well.