Anybody into Gorillaz?

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Anybody into Gorillaz?

Post by Kuribo4 »

The only current band I really follow, and it ain't even real.

Had their 6th album released recently, and after thinking about it, I think it's my favourite Gorillaz album. While many of their most iconic songs are on other albums, in this one I truly love every single song. I also think the album is mostly relaxing, which I like a lot in music. It has helped me fall asleep sometimes. Some songs are louder, but it seems that doesn't bother me.

If anobody is interested, the album is on YouTube, they uploaded the entire thing because they're nice like that. ... 9memrbcXnO

If you are only willing to give one song a chance, I'd recommend track 7-Lake Zurich. IMO it's really hypnotic. I like the state of mind it puts me in.

You'll notice I haven't described the music itself that much, that's because I don't know too much about music theory. But I like just listening to it and not understanding. Has something magical to it.

Really gotta check out more of Damon Albarn's others stuff too.
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Re: Anybody into Gorillaz?

Post by Gendo »

I like most of their well-known, older stuff. Especially Clint Eastwood. Don't really know their newer stuff.
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