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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by Derived Absurdity »

https://twitter.com/inkookang/status/10 ... 6990841856" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by Anakin McFly »


I'm in awe at the sheer terribleness of this.

...also I'm baffled that someone who decided they wanted to make fun of non-binary kids decided to choose those who use 'they' pronouns, and not the bunself crowd or the lunettian femgender xirls*. http://lgbta.wikia.com/wiki/Lunettian

*i saw someone with this exact description on tumblr
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by BruceSmith78 »

There's like a 2 hour video on YouTube that records the whole thing and paints a much more objective picture, but who the fuck has time to watch 2 hours of an over-hyped pissing contest?

I do.

Not really, but I did watch a few chunks of it, and from what I could tell, you had this group of chauvinistic, rich, privileged white kids out doing chauvinistic, rich, privileged white kid shit, you had some black religious people out for some trolls, and you had this group of Native Americans and I honestly don't know what they were doing there. They all came together for some reason.

I didn't watch most of the video, so the black people might have made some sound and noteworthy arguments at one point or another, but I just heard them quote a few bible verses, tell the Native Americans they deserved to lose their land because they worshipped idols and animals and shit, and tell the white kids they looked like school shooters and they should go shoot up their school. Troll shit.

At one point the black people and the white kids were exchanging pleasantries and the Native Americans got in between them and started singing. That's when Nathan Phillips did the thing with the drum and the kid with the punchable face stood and smirked. The rich, privileged white kids did racist shit that you'd expect rich, privileged white kids to do, like mock Phillips and chant and do tomahawk chops, and somebody got some video of it and edited it to be as inflammatory as possible and set it loose on the Internet.

Progressive white people had a villain they could point at and feel better about how progressive they are, and the media had some stupid bullshit they could sell and make money off of, so they were all like, “let's fucking go," and here we are.
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by BruceSmith78 »

And Anakin deleted his post?
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by Gendo »

BruceSmith78 wrote:And Anakin deleted his post?
Which post?
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by BruceSmith78 »

Gendo wrote:
BruceSmith78 wrote:And Anakin deleted his post?
Which post?
He asked why the kid in the MAGA hat and the dude with the drum became famous. I typed this big response and his post disappeared when I hit submit.
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by Gendo »

In this thread?

As the admin, I actually see deleted posts; they show up marked as "deleted". Don't see anything here... But maybe it doesn't apply to posts that were deleted fast enough, or something like that.
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by Raxivace »

Clearly Anakin has amassed a massive amount of power, to the point he can nullify your mod powers Gendo by rending even time itself to make posts vanish into thin air...
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by BruceSmith78 »

It was this thread, yes.
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by Anakin McFly »

Yeah sorry, I deleted the post. I was chatting about it with an American friend and it seemed that it was an issue of me not being good at reading expressions on a tiny phone screen with unclear audio. My initial impression was that the kid was extremely uncomfortable and trying to smile to look unthreatening. I've since seen other (the same?) footage on a proper screen, where it's much clearer that they were mocking him and trying to intimidate him. e.g. in the first vid I saw, Philips was already in the middle of the crowd and it looked like any other crowded event with noisy teenagers, which gave a very different impression vs the whole group encircling him and blocking his path / keeping him from escaping.

I also didn't recognise the tomahawk chops because that's completely new to me. Basically my initial impression was that this guy was singing and beating his drum in a crowd, and teenage boys around him were cheering and dancing along, and I was honestly baffled at what was wrong other than them being a bunch of obnoxious young white boys with punchable faces wearing MAGA hats, who are sadly not rare enough to be newsworthy.
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by Boomer »

I think that url is enough for me, no need to read further.
...the only people for me are the mad ones...
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by Gendo »

Boomer wrote:I think that url is enough for me, no need to read further.
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by Derived Absurdity »

How the hell is this woman expected to be the Democratic 2020 frontrunner?

In a sane world this video by itself would absolutely murder her campaign. Completely annihilate it. The fact that she could publicly mock the idea of investing more in education and less in prisons and still have even the ghost of a chance of becoming the nominee of the Dem Party, especially at this particular moment in time when the brutality of the prison industrial complex is more visible than ever, is fucking insane to me.

And yet she's supposedly the frontrunner. Lol.

Nothing actually matters. No one actually has any principles or beliefs. I should just stop having expectations or feelings or wants at this point.
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by Gendo »

Turns out that Liam Neeson is a racist psychopath.
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by Blade Azaezel »

Gendo wrote:Turns out that Liam Neeson is a racist psychopath.
I don't think that's true at all. There's an interesting piece on the topic here:

https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfr ... ias-racism" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

If anything, he WAS...
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by Anakin McFly »

Racism and tribalism have primal underpinnings. It's about protecting those like you and seeing others as a threat, and in times of trauma, those impulses crop up against our better judgement. I think we need to distinguish that urge from the racism that stems from social conditioning and unexamined prejudice.

I've experienced that same primal desire for violence against those from different group, as a result to harm that one of their members committed either to myself or those like me. Sometimes the targets were from a marginalised group - and in the heat of the moment I once sent a string of angry text messages in that vein to my counsellor, which I very much regret sending, but she was very understanding. At other times they were members of the majority. Yet that desire for indiscriminate brutal revenge felt exactly the same and came from the same place of powerlessness and the burning need to right a wrong, and where violence against innocents would be the only thing sufficiently senseless to make up for the initial senseless violence. There needs to be an outlet.

That anger happened regardless of my own strong aversion to racism, or how fiercely I had defended them in online debates, or how many people in that group I genuinely loved and at any other time would have readily given my life for. In that moment it was purely us vs them and wanting to get back at 'them', and the level of fear and hatred scared me because that was not who I thought I was nor wanted to be. The problem is that for a straight cis white man like Neeson, the 'them' will always be a marginalised group, and the impulse to harm codified, enabled and supported by centuries of institutional injustice that makes it all the more dangerous. But I believe the raw impulse itself is human. It's the same impulse that drives some feminists to post unironically about killing all men, or the creation of the 'die cis scum' tag in response to trans people murdered by strangers while literally just walking down the street, with angry, grieving people ranting about wanting to randomly murder innocent cis people in the same way.

I don't think we can end racism and other injustices by denying those forces, but by honestly acknowledging them and learning to contain and eventually overcome them. I appreciate Neeson's honesty and determination to change over the many people who may have similar thoughts but pretend they don't, nor does anything to counter them. It's clear that society is still steeped in bigotry, and denying our part in it is counterproductive to fixing it.

At the same time I'm also unsettled by the horror at the sheer injustice of someone being murdered for someone else's actions, just because they were of the same race. I also don't like how some people are turning this into a learning journey where some white guy learns that racism is wrong and becomes a better person, while his potential victims are pushed to the background. And I don't know whether him remaining quiet would have been better or worse.

EDIT: I agree with Trevor Noah's take on this.
Last edited by Anakin McFly on Mon Feb 11, 2019 9:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by Anakin McFly »

A few commenters have brought up that this was in Northern Ireland:

"he grew up in Northern Ireland in the 60's. Replace race with 'catholic' or 'protestant' and that's basically what was constantly going on around him. a group of Protestants would kill a catholic, some Catholics would then get revenge by looking for a random protestant to kill, rinse and repeat almost daily. They had to run ads like this on TV. Quite frankly I'm not surprised he went straight to that mindset."

this one encapsulates my thoughts:

"Let's not minimize the fact that he fully intended to kill a random person because of their race. He wasn't looking for the rapist. He was looking for a black man. He was willing to hold random people accountable for one person's horrific actions. Don't minimize that. He said without hesitation he would've killed someone. It wasn't just random walking around. No one is saying you can't be traumatized but that certainly doesn't excuse this.

I think it's great that he didn't kill anyone. But should not committing murder really be celebrated? Is that not the expectation?

What is actually remarkable is that he sought help. He's not running from it. And he took the time and used his platform to say “I know how racism can develop, I've experienced it on a primal level. If you are experiencing it you can change it if you want."

This shouldn't be a career ender but we shouldn't be minimizing or overpraising this either."
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by Derived Absurdity »

He should run for President.
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by phe_de »

Gendo wrote:Turns out that Liam Neeson is a racist psychopath.
I don't think so.
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by Gendo »

"Was" is fair, I suppose. Sounds like he may have clarified further in a later interview, as well as later in the same interview. In the part I heard, there wasn't a very strong sense of "this is a story about the horrible person I once was".
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by Anakin McFly »

Facebook's "real name" policy sucks. My friend can't create an account with his real name (Young; he's Korean) because FB thinks it's fake and requests ID proof. He refuses to send them ID for privacy reasons and just for the principle of the thing, but he needs an account to join college FB groups and ironically might end up using a fake name.

It doesn't make sense they're blocking 'Young'. Sure, it's a word, but it's also a fairly common first and last name. They presumably aren't blocking 'Smith', which is also a word. Or 'Rich', for that matter.

The policy doesn't even solve the problem it claims to stop. I've successfully created fake profiles with generic white names and never had them flagged.
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by Derived Absurdity »

I am having a hard time wrapping my head around the idea that one singular person could possibly suck as hard as Joe Biden does.
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by Anakin McFly »

I just saw Endgame. It was epic.

I was minorly spoiled hours before by some dude on reddit who was sending detailed spoilers to random people on lgbt subs. I stopped reading when I realized, but dang, that takes hate mail to a whole new level. He's been gloating about it and how he finds it hilarious that “virgin faggots" are furious at him for spoiling a kid's movie.

It's not so much the spoilers that bother me as his neo-nazi comments and the borderline sociopathic glee he takes from intentionally upsetting people. I kind of pity him, speaking as a virgin faggot.
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by Gendo »

http://pottercrash.ytmnd.com/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by phe_de »

Anakin McFly wrote:I just saw Endgame. It was epic.

I was minorly spoiled hours before by some dude on reddit who was sending detailed spoilers to random people on lgbt subs. I stopped reading when I realized, but dang, that takes hate mail to a whole new level. He's been gloating about it and how he finds it hilarious that “virgin faggots" are furious at him for spoiling a kid's movie.

It's not so much the spoilers that bother me as his neo-nazi comments and the borderline sociopathic glee he takes from intentionally upsetting people. I kind of pity him, speaking as a virgin faggot.
Spoiler trolls are annoying.
Too bad the following article is in German; otherwise you could forward it to the spoiler trolls, without telling them that the "Postillon" is a satire magazine.


Translated with deepl; a bit edited by me
Wife kills husband for Game of Thrones spoiler: Court decides on self-defence

Bamberg (dpo) - The Bamberg Regional Court today acquitted a woman of the charge of manslaughter. She had killed her husband in order to prevent him from spoiling content from the successful series "Game of Thrones", which she had not yet seen. The court decided on self-defence.
The presiding judge called the behaviour of the 35-year-olds comprehensible and prudent after a thorough examination: "This is a classic example of a self-defence situation according to § 32 StGB", he explained the verdict.

The court was convinced that the woman had no other option but to kill her husband in self-defence with a heavy DVD box of seasons 1 to 7. Previously, she had begged him several times not to reveal any details from the episode.
Some of them probably killed someone else - or had sex with him.
According to the court, the act was the only way out of the woman's situation, especially since the man did not stop making hints about a scene between Cersei and Jamie Lannister that "changed everything", even after the first blow, despite a severe laceration.
Only several strokes later did he finally remain silent.

During the trial, judges and lawyers had covered their ears for several minutes, as they had not yet seen the episode, which was the subject of the trial. Also in the minutes of the hearing corresponding passages are marked with the words "spoiler warning"!
The fact that the defendant separated her husband's head from his torso after the crime and impaled it in front of her apartment door was expressly not objected to by the court in its judgment. "In view of the circumstances, this is absolutely appropriate behavior," the written reason for the decision states. "After all, this has a deterrent effect on the neighbours and consequently has a preventive effect.
Last edited by phe_de on Wed May 01, 2019 8:32 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by Derived Absurdity »

Our society's fear and hatred of "spoilers" has become so hyperbolic and all-consuming at this point that it should probably be considered some form of culturally-induced mental illness.
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by Anakin McFly »

I think it's part of the wider cultural climate where works of fiction are some of the last remaining sources of joy and escapism left for us in this world.

It might also say something about the type of stories coming out now whose enjoyment hinges heavily on plot twists and other key moments, rather than the experience of the work as a whole.
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by Gendo »

Anakin McFly wrote: It might also say something about the type of stories coming out now whose enjoyment hinges heavily on plot twists and other key moments, rather than the experience of the work as a whole.
I don't think it's that. There have been well known movies with plot twists like Sixth Sense and Usual Suspects; but with movies like Endgame; I don't think anyone is expecting an actual “twist". Rather, it's just that it's a “big deal" movie; so people prefer to know as little as possible about it going in.
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by Anakin McFly »

Yeah, the twist in The Sixth Sense was spoiled for me. I always felt sad on missing out on what had seemed like a universal film-watching experience. For Endgame I think it wasn't so much the twists as that it would present answers to many questions that people had had since Infinity War, and people wanted to see how that would play out on screen rather than in a clumsy internet comment.

I've also been annoyed when reviewers posted spoilers for stories I wrote (I've finally reached the stage where people are reviewing my stuff lol) because it ruins the effort I spent trying to find that balance between providing enough hints but not giving any twist away. So it also feels disrespectful to the filmmaker's/author's work when people release spoilers.

At the same time, I've been spoiled for every Keanu Reeves movie since 2008 thanks to running the fansite, and I've still managed to enjoy many of them, sometimes more so knowing all the details and backstory that went into different scenes.


in separate news I reflexively fact-checked a racist story on a friend's FB page about a terrible thing happening to black people that did not in fact happen, at least according to Snopes with pretty thorough evidence. Now I'm regretting it because it's placing me in the commenting company of white supremacists. My friend is on a flight and hasn't seen my PM, but trying to explain myself would probably make it worse.
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by Anakin McFly »

ok, I screwed up badly. She thought I sent that out of spite, and requested I don't contact her for two weeks.

I really didn't mean to hurt her at all. :( Spite was the furthest thing on my mind. I initially thought of not sending it, but then I'm that person who factchecks everything and I didn't want to have a double standard just because it involved black people, because respecting them would include respecting that they also wouldn't want fake news spread in their name. It's why I messaged her privately instead of posting it as a comment, which would have seemed like public shaming. But after I sent it I realised how it might be taken and I don't blame her for reacting to what looked like an unprovoked racist attack, not without motivation because of unrelated recent things.

but I admire her a lot and the last thing I ever wanted was to hurt her. and I don't know how to fix that. I'll definitely respect the two week time out, but that's two weeks of her thinking that I betrayed our friendship and hit below the belt, after all she's done for me.

and just. the fact that she thought I was even capable of doing something that cruel. after she once said I was one of the kindest guys she knew. :(
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by Derived Absurdity »

Idk what to say about your story, Anakin. Seems sort of confusing but you shouldn't have to be defensive about fact-checking fake news.

About spoilers, idk, I was just never really bothered by them much. I was never the type of person to try to guess what was going to happen when watching a movie or tv show, I always just sat back and soaked up the experience as it was happening in the moment. I don't think most people really do that, so I already know I consume media differently than most people. So knowing what was going to happen never affected my viewing experience much; what mattered was always less what was going to happen than how it was presented. Sometimes I even enjoy things more when I know what's going to happen. That's happened a few times I've seen. When people stop worrying about "spoilers" and just sit back and watch something, even though they know what's going to happen, turns out they enjoy it more.

My opinion is that if a movie or tv show or whatever can be "ruined" for you if you know what happens in it, it's not very good.
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by Raxivace »

I think it depends on how far "ruined" is supposed to go. If its just some cheap shock value that's getting spoiled for you, oh well. Not that big a deal at the end of the day.

If a show/movie/book/etc. is using a surprising plot development in an actually artistic or challenging manner though, those can suck to have be spoiled. Those are also way less common.
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by Derived Absurdity »

Raxivace wrote:I think it depends on how far "ruined" is supposed to go. If its just some cheap shock value that's getting spoiled for you, oh well. Not that big a deal at the end of the day.

If a show/movie/book/etc. is using a surprising plot development in an actually artistic or challenging manner though, those can suck to have be spoiled. Those are also way less common.
That latter thing is what I thought Game of Thrones was doing for a few years. My slow realization that things like the deaths of Ned and Robb and Catelyn Stark, as opposed to being deep meaningful artistic choices, were actually just shock value was what partly catalyzed my disillusionment with the show, and made me aware that it actually wasn't some prestige drama like The Sopranos or The Wire (neither of which I've seen fwiw) but basically just a silly soap opera that happens to have high production values and takes place in a unique setting. I can enjoy silly soap operas, but not when I'm watching them expecting them to be something else the entire time. If I ever get back to watching it, I'll be able to appreciate it more on that level.

But yeah I think I think the opposite of you. Someone telling you about The Red Wedding in advance can "ruin" it, because the whole point of it is that it's supposed to shock you as you're watching it. That's the only point of the entire scene. There's nothing else to it under the surface. But if a surprise development happens to meaningfully advance the story, well, I can still enjoy it even if I'm "spoiled" in advance, because I'm watching the whole thing for the story, not just for the in-the-moment experience. Not sure that makes any sense.
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by Anakin McFly »

There are also movies that I read up on in advance - typically horror movies and those that deal with disturbing material so I know what I'm in for, and if it's something I'm willing to subject myself to in the first place. So in those cases being spoiled beforehand makes for a better experience in which I'm not constantly on edge.
Idk what to say about your story, Anakin. Seems sort of confusing but you shouldn't have to be defensive about fact-checking fake news.
I think it was the timing and context. She asked me why I felt I "had to do that", which confused me at first because I always reflexively google anything I find interesting, and it so happened that the first link was to Snopes saying it's not true. But it was telling in that she thought it was something I chose to do to spite her or get back at her (we recently had a minor falling out) or show off my intellect, so it probably wasn't the best time for me to send that link.

Whereas from my perspective I was hoping that knowing it was fake would provide some relief that this was one less terrible thing that happened, and it felt like it would be more mean to not inform her.

I later dropped by the comments in the original post and many commenters were black people sharing their pain and how this story was tragic but not surprising at all, with random white guys being condescending and logical about how this clearly couldn't have happened because facts not feelings #maga, and gloating because in this case they were technically correct. So I guess that might also have been the impression I gave - dismissing people's pain just to prove a nitpicking point, and not realising that sometimes truth is more than the facts.
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by Derived Absurdity »

If it didn't happen, it didn't happen. If people stopped falling for fake bullshit then they wouldn't give their enemy political tribe an opportunity to do things like that. That's entirely their fault. From my vantage point here you're not at fault in any way, and I don't really think you have any responsibility to respect the perspective of "it just feels like it's true and it's insensitive of you to point out that it's not".

People can use a story as a jumping off point to talk about their experiences and feelings and whatnot even if the story happens to not be true, sure, but they shouldn't jump down your throat just for pointing out that it's not, in fact, true, especially if they're all acting like it's true.
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by Anakin McFly »

I don't know, man. I was thinking that maybe it's the equivalent of an atheist barging into a funeral service to tell people that God doesn't exist and there's no heaven. It may be true as far as he's concerned, but really not a good time.

I'm just confused at what she thought my motivation would be, because in our previous conversation I was trying hard to prove I wasn't as racist as she assumed I was. (which I know is not the best thing to be doing, but I was feeling misjudged as sympathetic to white Trump supporters, which wtf.) Doing something like this would seem extremely counterproductive to my point. I also think she read one of my comments as sarcastic when I was being sincere, but text is hard that way.

I appreciate people shining light on internalised racist beliefs I hold; it may hurt, but I'm grateful to learn so I can do better. It's another matter when they claim I have racist beliefs that I know I don't hold because they are specifically anathema to me, or where I have a different racist belief that would contradict that one. She's done that a few times so far, but unfortunately when I try to argue otherwise it comes across as defensive and in denial.

She's a really good friend and kind of a mentor figure, but I think our communication styles aren't compatible. It's frustrating because I think she has this impression of who I am and what I believe that is really not accurate at all. It's not better or worse, just inaccurate.
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by Anakin McFly »

...anyway this was one catalyst in getting me to make an appointment for a mental health checkup tomorrow, because my anxiety has been going on for about ten years now and I'm tired. Also hoping to get a proper assessment to see if I'm on the autism spectrum or if it's something else going on. The last time I talked to a psych about that was more than eight years ago, and he thought Aspergers was very likely but didn't do a proper assessment.
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by Unvoiced_Apollo »

Hey Everyone.

As some of you may know, I"m doing a fundraiser for St. Jude through my participation in Warrior Dash. If you can give or at least share with others, it would be appreciated. You can share the facebook link here: https://www.facebook.com/donate/344772102896038/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Or go to the direct site here:

https://fundraising.stjude.org/site/TR/ ... link_share" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Thanks for any help in this.
Last edited by Unvoiced_Apollo on Fri May 10, 2019 10:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by Anakin McFly »

ok, got to talk it out with my friend. it's all good now.

she said that when she got off the plane, there were like a hundred messages on her phone from all sorts of people. and by the time she reached mine she was just tired and overwhelmed, and she's sorry for snapping at me.
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by Derived Absurdity »

Good ending.

Anyway, when's that white genocide coming, because it needs to get here quick.

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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by maz89 »

"Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose"
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by Gendo »

Well this seems newsworthy.

https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-48395905" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by Anakin McFly »

The US is now requiring visitors to list all the social media accounts of the past 5 years:
http://time.com/5599444/u-s-now-requiri ... pplicants/

I don't know how this will work. How could they possibly know if someone didn't list everything? What if you can't remember all your accounts and missed a few? What if you give them another person's username? What's to stop people from creating separate accounts just for this?
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by Derived Absurdity »

Pardon my French, but what the absolute motherfucking fuck is wrong with this fucking asshole????

https://twitter.com/IsaacDovere/status/ ... 8481498113" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Literally the first fucking paragraph on this guy from Wikipedia:
James Oliver Eastland (November 28, 1904 - February 19, 1986) was an American white supremacist politician from Mississippi who served in the United States Senate as a Democrat in 1941; and again from 1943 until his resignation on December 27, 1978. He has been called the "Voice of the White South" and the "Godfather of Mississippi Politics."[1] A Dixiecrat, Eastland was known as the symbol of Southern resistance to racial integration during the civil rights era, often speaking of blacks as "an inferior race."[2]
What, is this like the fifth overt white supremacist he's publicly praised now? What the fuck is even wrong with his goddamn brain? I can't even fathom how one person could suck as hard as he does. HOW THE FUCK CAN THE CURRENT FRONTRUNNER BE EVEN WORSE THAN HILLARY. I DON'T EVEN UNDERSTAND.
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by Derived Absurdity »

https://mobile.twitter.com/rickperlstei ... 5131268096" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

https://mobile.twitter.com/loisbeckett/ ... 4607493120" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Human garbage. Telling a black person he should apologize to him for going after him for praising white supremacists. Just honestly step back and take a moment to let that sink in.

Democratic frontrunner.


He's the only person running who would actually make me consider for half a second voting for Trump if he was the nominee.
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by Derived Absurdity »

I've never felt proud to be a Kansan before.

Feels kind of weird.
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Re: Random news/topics/opinions(contribute your own if want)

Post by Raxivace »

Meanwhile Indiana, the state I grew up in, just banned abortion.
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