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British pop song

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 10:08 am
by Cassius Clay
Is it just me or does this song have a distinctly British sound to it. But I can't put my finger on it. I know they're a British group, but there's just something particularly British about the tune.

And the dude with the umbrella that starts out rigid/posh then gradually gets more enthusiastic(spinning like a psycho by the end) is funny as fuck.

Re: British pop song

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 12:09 pm
by OpiateOfTheMasses
I'm at work, so I can't listen to it. But I recognise the name and the song title. They are a British group. This song isn't that new either - it must be a good 5 or 10 years old now I'd have thought...

It's also one of those songs that if you hear it on the radio on the way into work its rattles around in your head for most of your day until you gouge it out with a blunt spoon. (Or that may just have been me)

Re: British pop song

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 8:50 pm
by aels
I think you can imagine it being played at a very depressing office Christmas party where everyone is wearing paper hats and making awkward small talk and trying to pretend like they didn't wish they were dead, and that is what makes it feel uniquely British.

Re: British pop song

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 5:17 pm
by Cassius Clay
^ that

@opiate yeah, it's a simple tune that kinda sticks with you

Re: British pop song

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 8:48 pm
by Whitey
It's the sort of song that would have fit comfortably on the Love Actually soundtrack.

Re: British pop song

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 10:27 pm
by Cassius Clay
I was actually gonna mention that too.