Celsius - Negative Calorie Energy Drink

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Celsius - Negative Calorie Energy Drink

Post by Unvoiced_Apollo »

I got this more out of curiosity than believing what it said. It has 10 calories but claims to miraculusly burn calories, burn fat, and increase metabolism. The catch? Well, their scientific study of those going to see trainers says it worked for them when they exercised. That's right, when you drink this and do modrrate exercise, you'll butn calories, gain increased metabolism, etc. Because it's not enough to exrrcise to gain those bebefits, despite what doctors say. No, you need this "supplement" to kickstart everything. The real kicker is that it is considered a supplement by the FDA so as such, so long as it's not considered dangerous, they can make nearly any damn claim they want.

Gets really ridiculous what some of these companies can claim & what the government allows.
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