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So - is no one watching "Westworld"

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 1:23 pm
by thesalmonofdoubt
I am - and I'm enjoying it all way more than I thought I would.
Very "Nolaneque" in a way, Loving Evan Rachel Wood and Anthony Hopkins.. Scripts is tight, story is about as original a story as you could possibly tell when working with base material that's nearly as old as me .. and there's furious internet debate over what's really going on ..

all in all - seems like perfect fodder for this sort of board but I'm yet to hear it mentioned.

Re: So - is no one watching "Westworld"

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 3:16 am
by Unvoiced_Apollo
If it's on a premium channel, I'm not watching it.

Re: So - is no one watching "Westworld"

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 6:18 am
by thesalmonofdoubt
It's on my cable here - on "Showcase" .. which I have no idea Translates over in the States or whether its considered premium .. I think its part of the basic Cable service here at least .

My hot tip - when the seasons finished and downloads are posted .. or it comes out on BluRay - I highly recommend giving it a watch - I'm loving it!

Re: So - is no one watching "Westworld"

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 7:18 am
by CashRules
I'll probably watch it on Amazon when the season ends. But yeah, it's on HBO here. I caught parts the first few episodes when they had a free weekend of HBO but I was busy and not paying a lot of attention.

Re: So - is no one watching "Westworld"

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 4:06 pm
by BruceSmith78
I've seen every episode. I loved the premier, then they lost me a little for a bit, but last week's episode was on point.

Re: So - is no one watching "Westworld"

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2016 11:40 pm
by thesalmonofdoubt
BruceSmith78 wrote:I've seen every episode. I loved the premier, then they lost me a little for a bit, but last week's episode was on point.

Last episode was awesome - but then again I thought all the other episodes were pretty awesome as well

What are your thoughts as to the multiple time line theory thing that's going around, I'm almost sure that there is two timelines based on the logo thing - the can thing .. as well as the character groupings, I'm less certain about William being the MIB But - it's also probably true, and I'm almost positive that Bernard is Arnold

Re: So - is no one watching "Westworld"

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 5:47 am
by BruceSmith78
I've been avoiding online theories because I don't want this show spoiled. I'm enjoying the mystery.

I have wondered about the timeline though, because at times it seems hosts are reset every day, and other times they go a week or two without being reset, and sometimes both appear to be happening congruently, which makes no damn sense.

Re: So - is no one watching "Westworld"

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 11:37 pm
by thesalmonofdoubt
I've been avoiding online theories because I don't want this show spoiled. I'm enjoying the mystery.
Yeah - probably the best way to go really but, I've found myself obsessed with this show and so gave into temptation.
I have wondered about the timeline though, because at times it seems hosts are reset every day, and other times they go a week or two without being reset, and sometimes both appear to be happening congruently, which makes no damn sense.
and yup - its nearly impossible to work out how this all works - seems the hosts are on individual loops that repeat on a variety of schedules but how it all co-ordinates and how long the loops go for is pretty hard to work out. Some seem to last like a day (Dolores saying G'day to dad then going into town for a shop before heading off to do painting or alternatively - go for a romp with Teddy before going back to the farm to meet with a variety of untimely ends .. other loops see Dolores going on multiple day adventures - but this is almost always sans MIB - which also makes me think that there are multiple time lines going on and the ones where Dolores has more than one day at her disposal .. seems to be in the past

Re: So - is no one watching "Westworld"

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 4:57 am
by BruceSmith78
Ok, what the fuck. How did you know Bernard was Arnold? I mean I know he was holding private conversations with Dolores and seemed to be uncovering her realization of actual conscious thought, and in retrospect after tonight's episode I guess that was either all in Dolores' head or her remembering old shit, but at the time I just thought that was Bernard tinkering around and being curious and shit, and when he was revealed to be a host I thought he was doing it at Ford's behest, because Ford is a crazy and devious motherfucker. Were there some other clues that I missed?

This show is really turning it up, by the way.

Re: So - is no one watching "Westworld"

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 10:17 pm
by thesalmonofdoubt
Hey - Haven't seen this weeks episode on account that I am travelling and in Sydney and my hotel doesn't have showcase .. which blows.

So - Guessing they have confirmed that Bernard is Arnold officially now.

There were quite a few clues I guess - the biggest one being when Ford was showing Bernard the old photo of Arnold - the photo was oddly composed with Ford and some bloke to one side of the pic and a blank space on the right - it just looked like someone was missing from the pic and them we are told that the hosts cant see anything that would cause them to question their reality - just made sense that there was something going on there

Re: So - is no one watching "Westworld"

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 12:36 am
by thesalmonofdoubt
Guess if you liked ep9 - you musta loved 10 - Nice ending, leaves a few questions remaining but, holeee-fuck

Re: So - is no one watching "Westworld"

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 7:26 pm
by BruceSmith78
Yes sir, episode 10 was fucking amazing.

Re: So - is no one watching "Westworld"

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 1:21 pm
by Faustus5
Finally got around to watching this and I loved it. I was stunned that they actually managed to take an obscure text about consciousness ("The Origins of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind") and make its ideas part of the plot.

Didn't buy buy the complete 180 degree morality switch with one character, though. Lazy writing there. Reminded me of the awful Anikan Skywalker to Darth Vader arc in the SW prequels.

Re: So - is no one watching "Westworld"

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 5:08 pm
by Raxivace
Westworld is alright, though the premise that people wanting a healthy outlet for their worst impulses actually makes them the real monsters is kind of stupid and perhaps a bit regressive.

Re: So - is no one watching "Westworld"

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 8:06 pm
by Faustus5
Raxivace wrote:Westworld is alright, though the premise that people wanting a healthy outlet for their worst impulses actually makes them the real monsters is kind of stupid and perhaps a bit regressive.
GTA series and the things people willfully get up to in that game is all you need to think about.

Re: So - is no one watching "Westworld"

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 10:06 pm
by Raxivace
Faustus5 wrote:GTA series and the things people willfully get up to in that game is all you need to think about.
The thing though is that Westworld tries to seriously make the argument that playing a video game like Grand Theft Auto is equivalent as actually being a murderer or rapist or whatever, which is such a bonkers theme that I can't ever be fully be on board with the show even though I do otherwise like it.

Re: So - is no one watching "Westworld"

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 11:24 pm
by Faustus5
Raxivace wrote:The thing though is that Westworld tries to seriously make the argument that playing a video game like Grand Theft Auto is equivalent as actually being a murderer or rapist or whatever, which is such a bonkers theme that I can't ever be fully be on board with the show even though I do otherwise like it.
I don't think they are trying to make that argument, since no one in their right mind thinks the AI citizens of Los Santos are conscious, which makes all the difference.