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It's just going to get worse for Democrats.

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 5:48 am
by CashRules
Of the 33 U.S. Senate seats to be contested in 2018, only eight are held by Republicans and there is little chance of the Democrats winning any of them. Twenty-three are held by Democrats and the Republicans could end up winning four or five of those. The other two are held by the Senate's two independents - Bernie Sanders and Angus King. Bernie has indicated that he might run as a Democrat next time rather than simply forming a coalition with the Democrats, which may alienate many of his supporters although he'll almost definitely still win re-election. King has, up until this point, also joined the coalition with Democrats but is on record as saying there are a few issues, including gun-control, that could cause him to caucus with the Republicans in the future. It's highly unlikely, however, that he will ally himself with the Republicans while the Orange Man is President. Then there is West Virginia Democrat Joe Manchin, who has the potential to switch to Republican at any time even while Trump is President. King has also been highly supportive of his fellow Maine Senator, Republican Susan Collins and their mutual support of each other has likely been strengthened by her stand against many of Trump's ignorant ideas (the non-healthcare bill, Betsy Devos...). The current Senate makeup is 52 Republicans, 46 Democrats, and 2 Independents. It will likely be about 55 or 56 Republicans, 43 or 44 Democrats (if Bernie does switch and Manchin does not) and one Independent beginning January, 2019. There is nothing President Tiny Hands and his merry band of idiots can do or say that will make the mouth-breathers who vote Republican turn against the New Nazi Party.