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Times GOT opening theme was heard within the show(spoilers)

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 11:31 pm
by Cassius Clay
The theme(or some variation of it) is rarely used in the show, I think, but first time I actually noticed it's use was during Jon Snow's "King in the North" sequence. I assumed that was the only time it was used and that it was meant to signify something. Then I later randomly watched some old GOT clips and noticed a couple other times it's been used. And it seems to have only been used for the Starks...not sure tho. They might have used some part or variation of the theme for Dany as well.

Once when Cat is nervously waiting for Robb and his soldiers to return from the battle that led to Jaime's capture. The relief and tearful, subdued joy in her face when she finally sees her firstborn victoriously riding across the field on his white horse with his soldiers behind a gut punch(especially knowing how things ended up)....she's a pretty damn good actress. Theme is at 0:30.


And the end of infamous Arya/Hound revenge scene where Sandor hilariously threatens to "have to eat every chicken in the room". Same theme at 8:28.

Jon and Ned last scene together. The exact same part of theme at 0:48.

Re: Times GOT opening theme was heard within the show(spoilers)

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 11:37 pm
by Raxivace
Yeah it seems like they really use it as the Stark theme song. Rains of Castamere is used similarly for the Lannister characters IIRC.

I know Theon kind of has his own distinct theme song though, so now I'm trying to decide if "Pay the Iron Price" is another version of the main theme or not.

Re: Times GOT opening theme was heard within the show(spoilers)

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 10:02 pm
by Cassius Clay
Yeah...funny that Rains of Castamere is about the vicious slaughter of an entire house but is played when Jaime rescues Brienne.