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Las Vegas mass shooting.

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2017 6:47 pm
by CashRules
The first mass shooting to involve automatic weapons. The shooter was 64 years old and had no criminal record. With little information available at the moment the internet is full of people placing blame on everybody from Trump supporters to Trump haters, from Christians to Muslims. Of course Hillary had to crawl out of her hole and immediately start casting blame on the NRA and their move to make silencers easier to obtain. I'm no NRA fan but how the hell she makes a connection between silencers and this tragedy is something that can probably only be answered by someone as brain-addled as Hillary. Of course the coward killed himself rather than being arrested so a lot of questions may never be answered. The fact he did kill himself has already started the conspiracy theorist assholes talking about him being a patsy and the "evil gub-mint" let the "real shooters" get away. Goddamnit, almost 60 innocent people gunned down and over 400 more injured so the final death toll may increase all because of a piece of shit firing from over 2,000 feet away and nobody seems to want to do anything but cast blame.

Re: Las Vegas mass shooting.

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 4:06 pm
by BruceSmith78
Every article I've clicked on, I've foolishly ventured into the comments section and immediately contracted cancer.