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Important truths

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 11:12 pm
by CashRules
1) There have been ten United States Presidents during my lifetime.

2) Barack Obama was, by far, the best of those ten Presidents.

3) Barack Obama was a horrible fucking President.

4) Before he dies, someone needs to remind Jimmy Carter that while he may be a great humanitarian, he was the worst President of the twentieth century. He seems to have forgotten that fact.

Re: Important truths

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 9:31 pm
by Monk
Worse than Harding....?

Re: Important truths

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 5:18 am
by CashRules
The scandals of Harding's administration were only revealed after his death. Had he been President longer than 22 months there's really no predicting what his place in history might be. He did have some positives (treated minorities at least slightly better than any Republican President who came after him and commuted the sentences of several people imprisoned for objecting to "The Great War", including one of his opponents for President) The economy was already bad before he took office and his policies simply did nothing to improve it rather than making it worse. Of course, being a Republican he was pro-corporation and pro-wealthy fuckers. He did, however, have the good sense to appoint William Howard Taft as Chief Justice. It was under Taft's leadership that the Supreme Court began applying individual rights of the Fourteenth Amendment as limitations on the power of the state, not just limitations on federal power. Had it not been for Taft's leadership concerning the scope of the Fourteenth Amendment almost 100 years ago, gay marriage might not be legal nationwide today. So, in spite of an administration later proven to be full of scandals, Harding did accomplish a few notable positives. Jimmy Carter was willing to watch the American economy burn just to get a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel. He was incompetent and he surrounded himself with people who were either equally incompetent or corporate asshats. However, he deserves admiration for his work after leaving office. It just irritates me that every time he talks he seems to have no memory of the condition this country was in during his four years in office.

Re: Important truths

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2018 5:21 pm
by Monk
Jimmy Carter was willing to watch the American economy burn just to get a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel.
To be fair, he also appointed Volcker to Fed chair to enact high interest rates to deal with high inflation even though he knew it would likely make him even more unpopular

I admittedly haven't really studied his presidency closely, so I don't have a strong opinion either way. But it's also kinda hard for me to believe he was worse than Nixon, not only for the Watergate scandal, but also his war on drugs and his racist agenda.

Re: Important truths

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 12:10 pm
by OpiateOfTheMasses
He grew peanuts. (that's all I know about him and I'm not even 100% sure about that)