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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Playing The Witcher 3

Post by Raxivace »

Anyways this is all part of my plan to confuse you guys with increasingly obscure robot anime references.
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Playing The Witcher 3

Post by maz89 »

Lol, thanks for clearing that up. I had forgotten all about Marvel Frozen (dafuq) until you reminded me. I wish you hadn't.

Still not convinced that Triss isn't the better of the two redheads. She's got better hair.

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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Playing The Witcher 3

Post by Raxivace »


I can't stress enough how fucking weird the character names in Aura Battler Dunbine are. Two of the villains are named "Shot Weapon" and "Burn Burnings" for god's sake. Another villain is just some dude named Todd. Todd.

Marvel Frozen was a funny name to begin with at least, but its even funnier now that Disney owns both Marvel and the movie Frozen.
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Playing The Witcher 3

Post by maz89 »

Todd. TODD! [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] Damn, what happened there?! At least be consistently OTT, you know. It's like they suddenly became lazy and said fuck it, we can't think of anything else, let's just go with TODD.
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Playing The Witcher 3

Post by Eva Yojimbo »

maz89 wrote: Ending question: did you tell the Emperor about Ciri? Rax did that and fucked up Ciri's life, and I've never forgiven him for it.
I'm... not remembering this decision. I pretty much hated the Emperor so if it came to telling him anything about Ciri I probably didn't. The one decision I regret making in the game was bowing to him during that early quick decision, lol.
maz89 wrote:What did you make of the part of the game in which Geralt finally finds Ciri? I loved the build-up and dramatic execution. Guess that was because I was super invested in these characters and world.
As far as drama goes, that was definitely the highlight of the game. It was indeed beautifully done.
maz89 wrote:I agree about the "lighter" aspects working really well in the typically dark, murky Witcher universe. B&W achieves success with the "lighter" tone as well in one of its later missions, but with a dark twist - as you'll see in my favorite bit of the game.
I finished B&W. That fairy tale world may have been the highlight of the game! Man, that was ingenious! I spent a good several hours just walking around trying to discover all the Easter Eggs. I'm sure I missed some, but I found (and stepped on!) Thumbelina, saw the Pied Piper with the rats, the animals stacked on top of each other... I'm sure there were some more I'm forgetting. I love the "twists" they put on everything too.

BTW, that final boss fight was one evil motherfucker. Took me half-a-dozen tries to get through it. Timing the dodges of those bats was a PITA, and with the last form I finally learned to just Igni his ass and stay away until I can slash those egg-like things. Ending had a real Ninja Gaiden feel with how he kept transforming into uglier versions of himself, lol.
maz89 wrote:I loved doing the Triss and Yen quests. I couldn't not tell Yen I loved her. It was just impossible not to, on account of their shared history and on account of how vulnerable Yen became in that moment. IIRC, they just "undid" a bond that had sealed them together and she asks him if what they had felt for each other was just a thing of magic all along - rather than real connection. I just couldn't tell her it had all been a lie. That whole conversation gave me/my Geralt goosebumps and fall for Yen all over again. But yeah, they really set up the Triss thing really well with that glamorous party beneath the glittering night sky.
Yeah, breaking Yen's heart was the hardest part of the game for me, but I'd already made my decision with Triss. I very well might replay this game at some point and if I do I'll go with Yen... but letting Triss go on that boat won't be easy either!
maz89 wrote:For me, the most difficult part of the game so far has been the drone challenge in the Financial District. There's just something wrong with the points calculation there and that challenge seems to draw regular criticism for its difficulty. All of the other challenges I was able to master in just 2-3 attempts. Anyhow, I'm disappointed I didn't unlock a trophy for getting gold on all of the challenge missions. Thought the game would acknowledge and reward my perseverance and effort, lol.
Yeah, no doubt getting Gold on the drone challenges was the hardest part of the game. That Financial District one took me a good 40 minutes of repeating it until I had the route memorized and could execute it with precision. Thing is, I'm pretty sure the "time" score has as much to do with how quickly you hit those blue orbs as it does with how quickly you actually finish. If you play the first DLC, they've got something similar but now it's a Screwball challenge and on one you HAVE to find a shortcut as you'll never get Gold using the path they lay out.
maz89 wrote:You're right - the rating has gone up. I'm now in the 7.5-8.0 range. I just saw the six assemble, which I thought was well-executed but typical comic book fare stuff. The Martin Li stuff was okay too (I never really felt connected to that whole storyline in general and the whole idea of a good man having an evil agenda lacked nuance in execution), but I do like the development of Doc Oc's character (seemingly a strong character in the Spider-Man universe, as even the Sam Raimi movie rendered his descent into madness in a different yet compelling way) and in retrospect I like how the developments in the first half of the game are not made irrelevant with the introduction of the new villain.

I like that the game features an older version of Spiderman. The episode with Uncle Ben has already happened, MJ already knows his real identity, MJ and Spidey have already been in a relationship that didn't pan out, etc. I'm so used to seeing the "beginnings" of Spider-Man, so this take feels fresh and new.

Another part of the story I liked (and just saw yesterday) was his message conversation with MJ where she misinterprets his usage of "it's over, btw". Hilarious, and real. Made the rating go up by half a point instantly. [laugh]

I'm not sure if the parts of the game in which you can play as MJ or the son of that heroic police officer (who is definitely gonna take the mantle from the original Spidey by the end of this game, isn't he? I may be wrong, of course...) really work, just on account of how easy those bits are. They try to enhance the experience by giving MJ lures or trip mines, but I wish the difficulty level had been higher. I guess those bits are simply meant to serve as different means to tell the story.

I'm really enjoying the combat. I'm playing on the higher difficulty level, but am able to breeze through most of it. Well, that is, unless I miss a punch from a charged brute or a sword attack from one of those deadly Demons. Those floating Sable agents can be a huge pain too. It's a lot of fun to unload your gadgets on groups of enemies.

I haven't really made any use of the Suit Powers. Are there any worth checking out? I'm still using the fast regenerating Focus power that we got early on in the game. It can be a life-saver if you're low on health.

What's your PSN ID?
Yeah the Sinister Six assemblage was pretty epic, especially with it happening during the chaos of that prison break and them proceeding to nearly kill Spider-Man. With Martin Li I will say that you don't get the full backstory until very late in the game (I guess you know this by now), but it's rather strange they wrapped up his main storyline BEFORE revealing that rather crucial fact about what was driving him.

I pretty much love all the things Insomniac did with the character, and I do agree it was refreshing not having to through another Spidey origin story. Also agree about how good that "it's over" thing was. I also loved the whole Chicken Curry scene ("did you just leave your clothes on the kitchen floor?!" lol!). They really nailed the whole humanistic aspect of Spider-Man that's always made him so appealing.

Yeah, the MJ/Miles bits were mostly story driven, but the last few (as you know) had a bit of a challenge to them. Miles is Spider-Man in Marvel's Ultimate (alternative) universe: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spider-Ma ... s_Morales) Not sure how Insomniac's going to integrate him into the games yet though.

One thing I will say about the DLC (I'm in the middle of the second one now) is that they've upped the difficulty on the combat. Several new enemies and they're better at really swarming you now and you have to use your gadgets intelligently or you'll get swamped. In retrospect the main game combat was a breeze by comparison.

The only suit power you really need is Web Blossom. It's ridiculously OP. It can take out an entire group of baddies in one shot, and since every "hit" fills your focus bar you can often completely fill it with one go. I played around a bit with some of the others but none are nearly as useful. Only Quad Damage was more useful against the bosses where Web Blossom was useless.

PSN ID is CrushrDstroyr (after the Mastodon song)
maz89 wrote:So I finished Spider-Man. The ending was indeed powerful (major spoilers ahead). I liked the twist that Otto knew Spidey's real identity the entire time. The unsaid thought during Otto's descent into revenge-seeking madness was always that Otto would take a jolt and question himself when he realizes he had been fighting his own research assistant. But I like how the writing turns that thought on its head: Otto knew the entire time and chose to be an evil SOB anyway. I like how Otto says that to change the world, one must be the kind of man who can make the hardest decisions. For Otto, this meant to demolish his rival's reputation by leaking his unfinished chemical onto an unsuspecting public (still don't understand how Otto thought he was changing the world by doing this) but for Spider-Man, it meant literally choosing between saving the only family he has left versus the rest of the world. Predictably, I choked up in the scene with May; some solid voice acting and graphics there. Must say I was relieved when Spider-Man didn't die in the climactic battle with Otto. I thought that that was the teary ending Jimbo was talking about, especially when I saw Miles get bitten by that spider from Norman's lab, ready to take the Spider-Man mantle and become an official replacement. (Side-note: Is Harry going to become Venom? Also, is this what happens to Harry in the comics?)

Overall, I'll settle on an borderline 8 for now. The suit powers (there were too many!) I was never encouraged to fully explore despite playing on the high difficulty level. I think that the side stuff became really tedious after a while and only sporadically entertaining. I think the game should have made certain areas of Manhattan inaccessible until after one unlocked a certain level or made enemies in certain districts difficult to take down without increasing one's level/experience (ya know, in the true RPG tradition). This would have stopped me from trying to do everything in the beginning, hurting the momentum of the main storyline, and also had made the game a bit more challenging. Another thing I would have liked to have been done differently: real gameplay rewards for doing the side missions (beating up thugs, using photographs to identify locations, etc) rather than a thank you call from Yuri or someone else (and a gold trophy). I feel like the developers were hesitant to fully embrace the RPG model because they wanted to keep things simple. Still, core gameplay (swinging, combat, etc) was quite a lot of fun, the cinematic cut-scenes were solid, and the main storyline was interesting enough for the most part (it does build up and peak in the end). I even enjoyed the last stealth missions you do with MJ and Miles because , with MJ, it was fun to explore Norman's penthouse and unravel the secret of what happened to Harry (and then to see her jump off the the penthouse balcony to escape Silver Sable), and, with Miles, the difficulty was ramped up slightly.

Also, this is a minor quibble but why did Otto not destroy the serum as soon as he possessed it. [none]

Going to play Horizon Zero Dawn next. Jimbo, since Rax won't listen, you must play Last of Us after Witcher 3.
Otto thought he was changing the world by getting rid of Norman Osborne. His entire plan was to get Norman to publically admit he was behind everything including the virus.

Man, the death of Aunt May hit me harder than it probably should've, but every time I saw it I was just in a puddle of tears. That part when he says "I don't know what to do" and she says "Yes, you do" was just... God, I have no words. :(

It does look like Harry will become Venom, which definitely isn't in the comics. In the comics Harry became the Hobgoblin (obviously after his father, who was the Green Goblin) and ended up dying. Venom has mostly always been Eddie Brock, who was something of Peter's rival reporter at the Daily Bugle.

Otto didn't destroy the serum because he planned on saving the city after Norman confessed.

BTW, allow me to note that the ending was basically Insomniac's take on the If This Be My Destiny...! story arc from ASM #31-33 back in 1965. In that arc, Spidey is also racing against the clock to retrieve a serum to save Aunt May from Doc Ock, though the details (and outcome!) are quite different. That story-arc is arguably the masterpiece of the Lee/Ditko years and still holds up quite well. The scene of Spidey trapped under that heavy machine and fighting to get free is still riveting stuff.

I can't disagree too strongly with your rating or quibbles but I do think I liked it more than you, perhaps in large part out of my nostalgia for all things Spider-Man and how well the game captured the character and experience. I will say, though, that all that stuff (thugs, photography, challenges, etc.) did have a point in that you had to use them to upgrade your gadgets and get new suits. I loved playing as all the different suits--though I have no idea what took them so long to the original silver Spider Armor... it just became available in the newest DLC.
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Playing The Witcher 3

Post by Eva Yojimbo »

Raxivace wrote:
Eva Yojimbo wrote:Hearts of Stone I liked story-wise. I think this game is best when it's focusing more on family stories (the Bloody Baron being the best example) and Hearts of Stone did this well, though there weren't many surprises otherwise. The stuff with O'Dimm seemed like it could've been developed a bit better... I guess he was a Genie?
There's an option where you can go find some kind of scholar and you learn he's like an ancient demon or something.

Honestly the more I learned about O'Dimm the less I thought his character worked. I liked him best when he seemed more like a Kaworu-esque anomaly in the world, where no information you learn about him can really aid your understanding about what he is. Like its great when you realize he's that guy from the first 45 minutes of the game you just forgot about and turned out to be way more important to your quest than you realize. Its less interesting when you know definitively he's a genie or demon or whatever else.
Oh, yeah, I nearly forgot about the scholar. Must've missed him saying O'Dimm was a demon. I thought for sure he was a genie after reading about their description in that one book.
Raxivace wrote:
Perhaps the most memorable bit from HOS was where Geralt was possessed by Olgierd's brother and had the wedding date with Shani.
This was the highlight of both DLC's for me. Frankly I wish I could have just gone the rest of the game with my ghost bro.
The Fairy Tale world in B&W was the highlight for me, but the wedding possession is a close second.
Raxivace wrote:
So far, perhaps the most memorable thing from B&W has been the mission where Roach talks! Frankly, the serious vampire stuff doesn't seem to be meshing well with the lighter middle-ages vibe, but I'm still enjoying it.
I didn't enjoy B&W as much but I did miss talking Roach somehow...perhaps it would have shot my opinion of that DLC up!
Talking Roach was hilarious. It's during either one of the side quests or contracts (I think the latter, but I'm not too sure) where you're investigating this ghost that's been stalking a hermit. Geralt has to drink something that causes hallucinations and suddenly he can hear Roach talking to him. Their banter is pretty funny stuff, so many great lines (I remember: Geralt: You aren't taking me for a ride, are you? Roach: Uhhhhhh). The metafiction bit was pretty good too (you always come when I call you... how's that work? Like, you can cross ocean, but get hung up on the tiniest fence!). Here's a video:

Raxivace wrote:
EDIT: One final thing, I love-hate the new stuff that Blood & Wine introduced: Geralt's house (once renovated and furnished it's pretty damn awesome, and useful!) and the Mutations especially, but damn I hate they waited this late: this should've been a "thing" from the beginning! Once you're past level 45 it seems a bit late to start focusing on Mutations to add more skill slots. :/
I think I'm okay with the house being put off, but Mutations definitely should have been introduced earlier. I'm not really sure when a natural time to introduce them would have been...maybe Kaer Mohren?
Definitely should've been earlier as there just wasn't enough time to make much use of them. Maybe they should've provided a quest or two to give you some more Ability Points like with the Magic Acorn/Egg.
Raxivace wrote:Yeah I played on the hardest difficulty, because I wanted all of the Trophies. The beginning is still the hardest part (And probably the most interesting mechanically) but Geralt still gets more powerful at a faster rate than the world does for the most part.
What chaps my ass is that I played about 99% of the game on the second-highest difficulty, switched over to the one below that for a few hours early on when I was struggling with some of the hordes, and switched back after and I didn't get the trophy for finishing on that difficulty. [angry] Guess I deserve it for chickening out, even if just for a few hours!

I have no idea how you'd possibly get all the trophies in the game. Too many are for hard/obscure things. Also, is it even possible to 100% this game? I finished all the main missions and I'm on like 70% for the main game and B&W and 40% for HOS. I have no idea what I could've missed, unless it's just the various trophies? Or do they even count towards the completion?
Raxivace wrote:Btw Jimbo I'd like to know more about what you though about the actual main storyline with the Wild Hunt and Ciri. None of that stuff really worked for me- Ciri in particular I found insufferable the entire game, and I'm not sure the Wild Hunt themselves ever work at any point in the story.
I didn't mind Ciri at all and I thought The Wild Hunt was pretty badass before you learned more about them and they started talking and seeming more human-like. As for the storyline, I thought it was pretty good but could've done with a bit more development. It seems like there's really only a few major points and most of them come in too-quick succession near the end (finding Ciri, Kaer Morhen raid, killing two main baddies, etc.). Pacing was just off, I guess, but some of that may have been about how much time I spent with the side-missions and contracts before finally settling into the groove of the main story. I feel like there should be a perfect way to balance all there is to do in the game, but it's not immediately obvious how.
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Playing The Witcher 3

Post by Eva Yojimbo »

BTW, any of you guys notice any fun Easter Eggs in Witcher 3? Two I noticed was during the mission where you're investigating the ghost girl/tower for Kiera, you use a telephone-like device, and the character names were Alexander, Graham, and (Ana)Bell(e). The other was one of the books titled "How to Avoid Massive Vessels" which is a nod to this: https://www.amazon.com/Avoid-Huge-Ships ... 0870334336 (funniest Amazon reviews ever!)
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Playing The Witcher 3

Post by Raxivace »

In B&W, there is a sword in a bonfire you can find that's a giant Dark Souls reference.

A lot of the quest names are movie/TV references, like Scenes from a Marriage. I think there's a Trophy that's a Breaking Bad one too.
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Playing The Witcher 3

Post by Eva Yojimbo »

Raxivace wrote:In B&W, there is a sword in a bonfire you can find that's a giant Dark Souls reference.

A lot of the quest names are movie/TV references, like Scenes from a Marriage. I think there's a Trophy that's a Breaking Bad one too.
Yep, the "Let's Cook" one.

Also, several of the gravestones in B&W have some funny references. Besides the Conan one I mentioned/linked earlier, I also remember seeing Jean-Luc Picard. Also remember a reference to Shrodinger's Cat in a note talking about how most everyone was dead, but Shrodinger "may or may not be dead."


On a different note, I've taken a deep dive down the rabbit hole. I bought Witcher 1 and 2 for PC, even though I've never played a PC game in my life. No idea if they're actually worth playing or not, but I'm interested. I also went a bit nuts and just bought every single Final Fantasy game available minus the MMORPGs and minus VII, which I'll get when the PS4 remake is released (So I got: Origins, Chronicles, Anthology, VIII, IX, X, X-2, XII, XIII, XIII-2, Lightning Returns), so I'm going to have plenty to play over the coming months years.

This is probably a stupid question, but is there any reason to play them in any particular order? I know they're all separate games (besides the sequels), but I'm thinking there might be a good way to play them to keep from getting bored. I was thinking of just mixing up the older and newer games and starting with IV and XV respectively and going forwards/backwards respectively. Maybe something like: IV, XV, V, XIII, VI, XIII-2, VII, Lightning Returns, VIII, XII, IX, X, X-2. I may throw Chrono Trigger and Tactics in there somewhere to break things up. And, of course, I'll play other games in between. Thinking of starting either The Last of Us or Shadow of the Colossus next.

Besides the games, I've also decided to invest in these. I have no need for them for music (I have way too many headphones as it is), but I'll be interested to see if they make a difference on Games, and perhaps see how they sound on multi-channel content. The concept is interesting and the reviews are great so far. I'll probably wait until they get here to start my next game.

So, yeah, I guess Christmas came early. [xmas]

BTW, know of a good place to get a good, cheap, backwards-compatible PS3s? There's plenty on eBay but I'm always a bit leery buying from strangers on eBay since they don't offer any real protection unlike Amazon.
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Playing The Witcher 3

Post by Raxivace »

Wtf is this madness. I'm getting into the Taiwanese New Wave and you're weebing it up with Final Fantasy. Are we changing lives?
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Playing The Witcher 3

Post by Eva Yojimbo »

Raxivace wrote:Wtf is this madness. I'm getting into the Taiwanese New Wave and you're weebing it up with Final Fantasy. Are we changing lives?
Raxibo and Evavace!
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Playing The Witcher 3

Post by Raxivace »

Anyways I wish you would have asked about some of these first because I would have actively recommended against getting Chronicles and Anthology. Those versions of the games have absolutely terrible slowdown- they run even slower than the SNES originals. The anime cutscenes to Chrono Trigger in the PSX version aren't worth the sacrifice.

For Chrono Trigger, play the SNES version.

For FF5 and FF6, emulate the GBA versions. FF5 in particular has a far better translation on the GBA.

For FF1, FF2, and FF4, I would have recommended the PSP versions honestly. You don't have a PSP though, so you're probably best off getting the GBA versions of those too. FF4 PS1 has the slowdown problem of CT/FF5/FF6 PS1 versions, so don't play that. I don't know if the PSX versions of FF1 and FF2 have those issues too, but uh do GBA anyways. The PSP versions of these games are just the GBA versions but way prettier also (The PSP version of FF4 also contains two sequels to that game but I haven't played them yet. I haven't even played FF4 yet tbh).

FF9, FFX, FFX-2 all have PS4 versions (Also I liked all of them). Are those the ones you got? Also FF12 is on the PS4 too, but I didn't like that one much.

FF8 is the greatest card game ever made called Triple Triad with a terrible JRPG tacked onto it.

FF13 is a decent battle system with a terrible story. Like, holy shit its nonsense. Nonsense. I thought 13-2 is a little better. I have Lightning Returns but haven't played that yet.

I liked FF15 a lot but its kind of light on story like I think I said earlier. Its a game about chillaxing in car rides.

If for some reason you decide to play FF3 original (Not FF6 from the SNES), play the original NES version with fan translation. It's a bit of a chore anyways and is largely just a prototype for FF5 but I'm a nerd who played it anyways and save states on emulators honestly improve that game.

I haven't played FF11 or FF14 but I know both have their fans.
Eva Yojimbo wrote:and minus VII, which I'll get when the PS4 remake is released
I'd play the original version at some point anyways. The remake is going to be an entirely different genre even with an entirely different presentation style released in an entirely different way. It'll be a different experience.
This is probably a stupid question, but is there any reason to play them in any particular order?
Basically nobody actually plays them in release order the first time through, and the only thing you'll miss is some gags and references to older games.

The only you might want to actually wait on is FF9, since its a giant love letter to FF1-6 and the last hurrah for FF games on the PS1.
BTW, know of a good place to get a good, cheap, backwards-compatible PS3s? There's plenty on eBay but I'm always a bit leery buying from strangers on eBay since they don't offer any real protection unlike Amazon.
Depends what you mean by "backwards comparable". All PS3 systems can play PS1 games, but only the first run of them can play PS2 games IIRC. Like mine only plays PS1 and PS3 games.

If you don't care about missing out on PS2 games just get a PS3 on Amazon tbh.
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Playing The Witcher 3

Post by maz89 »

Eva Yojimbo wrote:
maz89 wrote: Ending question: did you tell the Emperor about Ciri? Rax did that and fucked up Ciri's life, and I've never forgiven him for it.
I'm... not remembering this decision. I pretty much hated the Emperor so if it came to telling him anything about Ciri I probably didn't. The one decision I regret making in the game was bowing to him during that early quick decision, lol.
maz89 wrote:What did you make of the part of the game in which Geralt finally finds Ciri? I loved the build-up and dramatic execution. Guess that was because I was super invested in these characters and world.
As far as drama goes, that was definitely the highlight of the game. It was indeed beautifully done.
I'm glad to know both of these things. What ending did you get in B&W? I had to replay half of the game again to avoid that depressing ending in which the sisters kill each other.
Jimbo wrote:Yeah, breaking Yen's heart was the hardest part of the game for me, but I'd already made my decision with Triss. I very well might replay this game at some point and if I do I'll go with Yen... but letting Triss go on that boat won't be easy either!
Definitely planning to side with Triss in my next playthrough. I plan to revisit the game in a couple of years.

If there's one bad thing about having played (and loved) Witcher 3, it's post-Witcher gaming. Witcher 3 ruined other RPGs for me. [none] Every RPG I play now is automatically compared with Witcher 3 in my head, and it gets in the way of my enjoying these other games. For example, I'm playing Horizon Zero Dawn right now, a compelling RPG with rich visuals, a huge world and an interesting, dense mythology of its own, a game cited as one of the best PS4 games ever made. I can see why it's loved and I'm certainly enjoying it... but it's not nearly as addictive or fun as the Witcher 3. There was just something about how every aspect in the Witcher 3 just clicked for me - the different kinds of monsters you were supposed to take down, the variety of weird, eccentric people you met and quests you partook in (including the light-hearted ones), the beautiful landscapes, the score, the foreboding atmosphere, that well-developed father-daughter relationship... all of these things came together to exceed the sum of the individual parts.

That's not happening for Horizon Zero Dawn, which, by comparison, feels "safe" and too serious. It does everything right, superficially at least, but still doesn't quite amaze. The quests feel a little been-there-done-that, and I haven't come across one yet that packs a punch or really makes think/feel the way the side quests in Witcher 3 generally did (I still remember stumbling across that talking tree in W3 and being totally lost about what to do - these kinds of engrossing 'surprises' being absent so far in the game). On a story front, HZD has an intriguing yet (predictably) mysterious plot, but the early revelations aren't all that enticing and you can tell it's all build-up for some major earth-shattering reveal that will come later. That would be fine, of course, but (edited) there are two problems: most of the characters besides the main heroine and one or two others are all bland, and the gameplay is a little frustrating and not always fun. Taking down the robotic baddies is hard and can become repetitious - so much that I took the difficulty of the game down several notches to avoid dodging and aiming with my bow for an eternity. I don't like to decrease the difficulty, lol. (To be fair, God of War was quite difficult too - I actually turned the difficulty down to Easy to beat the difficult optional baddies but that game was addictive as hell.) And yeah, the world is well-made and does inspire awe and wonder now and then, but ten hours in, I feel like I've seen it all and I'm rarely caught off-guard by a "wow, would you look at that!" moment - possibly a premature nitpick since the overall game is 60-70 hours in length. Still, I'll probably give it a 8 unless something major happens in terms of gameplay or story - and it could. I will say this: now I know how Rax felt clearing the "?" in Witcher 3.
Eva Yojimbo wrote: I pretty much love all the things Insomniac did with the character, and I do agree it was refreshing not having to through another Spidey origin story. Also agree about how good that "it's over" thing was. I also loved the whole Chicken Curry scene ("did you just leave your clothes on the kitchen floor?!" lol!). They really nailed the whole humanistic aspect of Spider-Man that's always made him so appealing.
Yeah man, that was hilarious!
Eva Yojimbo wrote:PSN ID is CrushrDstroyr (after the Mastodon song)
Hadn't heard this before - I like how one of the comments goes "well that was relaxing".
Jimbo wrote:Man, the death of Aunt May hit me harder than it probably should've, but every time I saw it I was just in a puddle of tears. That part when he says "I don't know what to do" and she says "Yes, you do" was just... God, I have no words. :(
That was an immensely powerful sequence and it got me choked up too. Beautifully written.

Oh, and I kind of feel silly now for not paying proper attention to Doc Oc's plan. Thanks for the comparison with the comics, I'm always curious about the artistic liberties taken in works based on a source material.
Jimbo wrote:I can't disagree too strongly with your rating or quibbles but I do think I liked it more than you, perhaps in large part out of my nostalgia for all things Spider-Man and how well the game captured the character and experience. I will say, though, that all that stuff (thugs, photography, challenges, etc.) did have a point in that you had to use them to upgrade your gadgets and get new suits. I loved playing as all the different suits--though I have no idea what took them so long to the original silver Spider Armor... it just became available in the newest DLC.
I did get a ton of experience and points that helped me upgrade my gadgets while doing the side mission stuff early on, and it was fun then. But the grinding introduced towards the latter third of the game (during which I had to take down maybe 70 convicts and Sable agents) wasn't as much fun because the returns were marginal - Spider-Man was already at level 50 by then and most of the upgrades had been improved to the max. Still, a minor nitpick in the grand scheme of things.
Last edited by maz89 on Sat Nov 24, 2018 7:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Playing The Witcher 3

Post by Raxivace »

The other thing I'll add is that the pre-FF4 games are very much of their time even with the amenities of the updated versions. They're late 80's JRPG's as fuck- story is there but not nearly as extensive as the later games. The combat systems were the draw at the time but while interesting, are perhaps archaic compared to even the later ATB games.

Still, its interesting to see the origins of better ideas from later games in them.
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Playing The Witcher 3

Post by maz89 »

Eva Yojimbo wrote:BTW, any of you guys notice any fun Easter Eggs in Witcher 3? Two I noticed was during the mission where you're investigating the ghost girl/tower for Kiera, you use a telephone-like device, and the character names were Alexander, Graham, and (Ana)Bell(e). The other was one of the books titled "How to Avoid Massive Vessels" which is a nod to this: https://www.amazon.com/Avoid-Huge-Ships ... 0870334336 (funniest Amazon reviews ever!)

None I can remember that you haven't already mentioned. I have poor memory.
Jimbo wrote: I bought Witcher 1 and 2 for PC, even though I've never played a PC game in my life. No idea if they're actually worth playing or not, but I'm interested.
After Witcher 3, I went back and played The Witcher 2. I enjoyed it. It's no Witcher 3 and Geralt doesn't handle in the same fluid way, but it was definitely fun to get another taste of the Witcher world. Witcher 1... the graphics were a major turn off so I couldn't bring myself to play it, lol. I know this is akin to not watching B&W movies because "there's no color!" so if you tell me that Witcher 1 is great, I will grow up and fucking play it.
Jimbo is nuts wrote:I also went a bit nuts and just bought every single Final Fantasy game available minus the MMORPGs and minus VII, which I'll get when the PS4 remake is released (So I got: Origins, Chronicles, Anthology, VIII, IX, X, X-2, XII, XIII, XIII-2, Lightning Returns), so I'm going to have plenty to play over the coming months years.

OK, but first, why don't you play the shorter games that I know you'll like? *cough*LastOfUs*cough*
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Playing The Witcher 3

Post by Raxivace »

maz89 wrote:Todd. TODD! [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] Damn, what happened there?! At least be consistently OTT, you know. It's like they suddenly became lazy and said fuck it, we can't think of anything else, let's just go with TODD.
The weirdest part is that the show almost leads you to believe that only the characters from the fantasy realm of Byston Well have the weird names and its like okay. I can buy into that. Todd is explicitly from Boston too and I can totally buy "Todd Guinness" as the name of a dude from that area.

But then you find out that fuckin' Shot Weapon and Marvel Frozen are from Earth too and that those really are their real names (They didn't change them to fit in with the people of Byston Well or anything) and that whole idea goes out the window. I think Marvel is explicitly from a farming area in Dallas, Texas too, which is just lol on so many levels.
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Playing The Witcher 3

Post by Eva Yojimbo »

Raxivace wrote:Anyways I wish you would have asked about some of these first because I would have actively recommended against getting Chronicles and Anthology. Those versions of the games have absolutely terrible slowdown- they run even slower than the SNES originals. The anime cutscenes to Chrono Trigger in the PSX version aren't worth the sacrifice.

For Chrono Trigger, play the SNES version.

For FF5 and FF6, emulate the GBA versions. FF5 in particular has a far better translation on the GBA.

For FF1, FF2, and FF4, I would have recommended the PSP versions honestly. You don't have a PSP though, so you're probably best off getting the GBA versions of those too. FF4 PS1 has the slowdown problem of CT/FF5/FF6 PS1 versions, so don't play that. I don't know if the PSX versions of FF1 and FF2 have those issues too, but uh do GBA anyways. The PSP versions of these games are just the GBA versions but way prettier also (The PSP version of FF4 also contains two sequels to that game but I haven't played them yet. I haven't even played FF4 yet tbh).
It doesn't matter too much as what triggered this FF buy-a-thon was that I found a nice bundle on eBay that had Origins, Chronicles, Anthology, VIII and IX (all brand new) for $30. So even if I sell Chronicles and Anthology I'll still have gotten the other three for practically (maybe literally) nothing.

After a quick search it seems that there's a consensus that Origins (1 & 2) don't have the problems of Chronicles and Anthology. FF4 is the tough one, though, as I'd really love to have that PSP complete collection, but hate to buy a PSP (or Vita?) for just that... though I'm sure I could find other stuff to play on there. Might even be better for older games than my giant 75" TV. I'll have to think it over... but it also seems PSN is doing a "Black Friday" sale that's good through the 27th, so I better think fast! Probably just end up playing them on an emulator.

Actually noticed FFVI is available on the SNES Classic that has a lot of games I loved back in the day and several others I never played (Earthbound, Secrets of Mana) that I've heard great things about.
Raxivace wrote:FF9, FFX, FFX-2 all have PS4 versions (Also I liked all of them). Are those the ones you got? Also FF12 is on the PS4 too, but I didn't like that one much.
Except for IX, which came in the aforementioned bundle, yeah I got the others on PS4.
Raxivace wrote:FF8 is the greatest card game ever made called Triple Triad with a terrible JRPG tacked onto it.
Is it safe to say this is the most controversial FF game ever? I remember when it came out reading a mag that had three different reviews/ratings where one was like a 9, another was a 3, and another was a 6! So all over the map.
Raxivace wrote:
Eva Yojimbo wrote:and minus VII, which I'll get when the PS4 remake is released
I'd play the original version at some point anyways. The remake is going to be an entirely different genre even with an entirely different presentation style released in an entirely different way. It'll be a different experience.
Hmmm, good to know. Guess I'll look into getting the original as well. I assumed it would just be a remake in the vein of Resident Evil.
Raxivace wrote:
This is probably a stupid question, but is there any reason to play them in any particular order?
Basically nobody actually plays them in release order the first time through, and the only thing you'll miss is some gags and references to older games.

The only you might want to actually wait on is FF9, since its a giant love letter to FF1-6 and the last hurrah for FF games on the PS1.
If I play them like I planned then IX would be near the end.
Raxivace wrote:
BTW, know of a good place to get a good, cheap, backwards-compatible PS3s? There's plenty on eBay but I'm always a bit leery buying from strangers on eBay since they don't offer any real protection unlike Amazon.
Depends what you mean by "backwards comparable". All PS3 systems can play PS1 games, but only the first run of them can play PS2 games IIRC. Like mine only plays PS1 and PS3 games.

If you don't care about missing out on PS2 games just get a PS3 on Amazon tbh.
That's what I was referring to. I figured if I could get one that played PS2 games then I'd have all 4 systems covered. I could just replace the small HD with a new one.
Raxivace wrote:The other thing I'll add is that the pre-FF4 games are very much of their time even with the amenities of the updated versions. They're late 80's JRPG's as fuck- story is there but not nearly as extensive as the later games. The combat systems were the draw at the time but while interesting, are perhaps archaic compared to even the later ATB games.

Still, its interesting to see the origins of better ideas from later games in them.
That's why I'm in no hurry to get to them. May even save them for last.
Last edited by Eva Yojimbo on Sun Nov 25, 2018 2:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Playing The Witcher 3

Post by Raxivace »

Eva Yojimbo wrote:After a quick search it seems that there's a consensus that Origins (1 & 2) don't have the problems of Chronicles and Anthology. FF4 is the tough one, though, as I'd really love to have that PSP complete collection, but hate to buy a PSP (or Vita?) for just that... though I'm sure I could find other stuff to play on there. Might even be better for older games than my giant 75" TV. I'll have to think it over... but it also seems PSN is doing a "Black Friday" sale that's good through the 27th, so I better think fast! Probably just end up playing them on an emulator.
I don't know where PSP emulation is these days but yeah that might be something to look into if you're just curious about a few games.
Actually noticed FFVI is available on the SNES Classic that has a lot of games I loved back in the day and several others I never played (Earthbound, Secrets of Mana) that I've heard great things about.
I know a lot of people that loved EarthBound but I wasn't a huge fan of it myself. That one really depends on how much the game's sense of humor works on you, even if everything else is mostly solid within it.

I hear the SNES Classic is pretty easily hacked too, which means you could load any SNES game you wanted onto there...including fan translated ones I enjoy like Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Super Robot Wars 3. Those are some mean sons of bitches right there. SRW3 in particular nearly crushed my soul.
Is it safe to say this is the most controversial FF game ever? I remember when it came out reading a mag that had three different reviews/ratings where one was like a 9, another was a 3, and another was a 6! So all over the map.
The dark truth about Final Fantasy is that every game is that controversial. Even FF12 has people that would take a bullet to defend the honor of that game.

That's actually kind of good though, because Final Fantasy basically reinvents itself with every new main entry.
Hmmm, good to know. Guess I'll look into getting the original as well. I assumed it would just be a remake in the vein of Resident Evil.
Nope. Original FF7 is an ATB game like FF6 or Chrono Trigger, the remake is going to be an action RPG.
If I play them like I planned then IX would be near the end.
One thing I should add about FF9 is that while I loved the actual core game, I absolutely hated its own card game, Tetra Master. I've played through FF9 twice and I'm not even sure I understand the basic rules to Tetra Master yet.

It's really the anti-FF8 to me.
That's what I was referring to. I figured if I could get one that played PS2 games then I'd have all 4 systems covered. I could just replace the small HD with a new one.
Yeah I wouldn't know where to get one of those unfortunately. :(
That's why I'm in no hurry to get to them. May even save them for last.
That's mostly what I did. FF4, FF11, and FF14 are the only main line games I have left.

The early games do benefit from being fairly short though. I think FF2 took me only like 15 hours to complete.
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Playing The Witcher 3

Post by Eva Yojimbo »

maz89 wrote:
Jimbo wrote: I bought Witcher 1 and 2 for PC, even though I've never played a PC game in my life. No idea if they're actually worth playing or not, but I'm interested.
After Witcher 3, I went back and played The Witcher 2. I enjoyed it. It's no Witcher 3 and Geralt doesn't handle in the same fluid way, but it was definitely fun to get another taste of the Witcher world. Witcher 1... the graphics were a major turn off so I couldn't bring myself to play it, lol. I know this is akin to not watching B&W movies because "there's no color!" so if you tell me that Witcher 1 is great, I will grow up and fucking play it.
I started playing it the other day just to get an idea and I was really struggling to get used to just using a mouse for everything. Attacking felt super awkward and half the time didn't even seem to work. Like I'd click on an enemy and Geralt would just stand there. I'm also not liking how you have to switch between different styles for different enemies. Graphics are indeed dated, but seem to be on par with what I can remember other games from back then looking like. I'm also not liking that you don't start out knowing all the Signs, but instead it seems like you'll learn them as you go along. I'll probably end up playing something else before I really dive into this one.
maz89 wrote:
Jimbo is nuts wrote:I also went a bit nuts and just bought every single Final Fantasy game available minus the MMORPGs and minus VII, which I'll get when the PS4 remake is released (So I got: Origins, Chronicles, Anthology, VIII, IX, X, X-2, XII, XIII, XIII-2, Lightning Returns), so I'm going to have plenty to play over the coming months years.

OK, but first, why don't you play the shorter games that I know you'll like? *cough*LastOfUs*cough*
I may indeed do Last of Us first. Other games won't be here for a while and a I need a change of pace from the RPG world!
maz89 wrote:
Eva Yojimbo wrote:
maz89 wrote: Ending question: did you tell the Emperor about Ciri? Rax did that and fucked up Ciri's life, and I've never forgiven him for it.
I'm... not remembering this decision. I pretty much hated the Emperor so if it came to telling him anything about Ciri I probably didn't. The one decision I regret making in the game was bowing to him during that early quick decision, lol.
maz89 wrote:What did you make of the part of the game in which Geralt finally finds Ciri? I loved the build-up and dramatic execution. Guess that was because I was super invested in these characters and world.
As far as drama goes, that was definitely the highlight of the game. It was indeed beautifully done.
I'm glad to know both of these things. What ending did you get in B&W? I had to replay half of the game again to avoid that depressing ending in which the sisters kill each other.
I got the ending where everyone lived and they hugged it out in the end. I guess that was the best ending, but it seemed kinda... weird. Like, after nearly killing half the city and her sister they just hug and make up? [gonemad]
maz89 wrote:If there's one bad thing about having played (and loved) Witcher 3, it's post-Witcher gaming. Witcher 3 ruined other RPGs for me...
LOL, well, hopefully I won't have too much of a Witcher 3 hangover by the time I start playing the various FFs!
maz89 wrote:
Eva Yojimbo wrote:PSN ID is CrushrDstroyr (after the Mastodon song)
Hadn't heard this before - I like how one of the comments goes "well that was relaxing".
[biggrin] My plan is to beat every game like Brann Dailor beats that poor drum kit of his! They're another band that's had a remarkable evolution. That was the first song off their first album, and in the 17 years since they've basically become a stellar prog AND hard rock band. Here's their proggier/rockier side: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u44bs_C ... a7&index=3
maz89 wrote:
Jimbo wrote:I can't disagree too strongly with your rating or quibbles but I do think I liked it more than you, perhaps in large part out of my nostalgia for all things Spider-Man and how well the game captured the character and experience. I will say, though, that all that stuff (thugs, photography, challenges, etc.) did have a point in that you had to use them to upgrade your gadgets and get new suits. I loved playing as all the different suits--though I have no idea what took them so long to the original silver Spider Armor... it just became available in the newest DLC.
I did get a ton of experience and points that helped me upgrade my gadgets while doing the side mission stuff early on, and it was fun then. But the grinding introduced towards the latter third of the game (during which I had to take down maybe 70 convicts and Sable agents) wasn't as much fun because the returns were marginal - Spider-Man was already at level 50 by then and most of the upgrades had been improved to the max. Still, a minor nitpick in the grand scheme of things.
I think what kept my interest into the convict/Sable section was just the fact that I enjoyed the combat so much. I even loved the stealth stuff despite the fact that it was really easy. It was still fun web zipping to different points to web up the guards and finding ways to lure/distract others when they were watching. Are you going to play the DLCs? I will say that they're both really short. It only took me two days to beat each of them, and that's even with getting Gold on the Screwball challenges. Story-wise, I love the stuff with Black Cat in the first, and the second notched up the intensity with Yuri going full-on badass bitch.
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Playing The Witcher 3

Post by Raxivace »

Eva Yojimbo wrote:I started playing it the other day just to get an idea and I was really struggling to get used to just using a mouse for everything. Attacking felt super awkward and half the time didn't even seem to work. Like I'd click on an enemy and Geralt would just stand there. I'm also not liking how you have to switch between different styles for different enemies. Graphics are indeed dated, but seem to be on par with what I can remember other games from back then looking like. I'm also not liking that you don't start out knowing all the Signs, but instead it seems like you'll learn them as you go along. I'll probably end up playing something else before I really dive into this one.
FWIW I also got Witcher 1 and had largely the same reaction and stopped playing it after about an hour. There's some trick to actually attacking that isn't very intuitive but fuck if I can remember what it was.

Witcher 1 came out in 2007, and tbh I'm not even sure it holds up to the standards of 1997. I'll go back to it eventually (And later Witcher 2 at some point) but wow it seems like it will be a slog.
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Done Playing The Witcher 3

Post by Raxivace »

Anyways the best Witcher game is still Soul Calibur 6.
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Playing The Witcher 3

Post by maz89 »

Eva Yojimbo wrote:I started playing it the other day just to get an idea and I was really struggling to get used to just using a mouse for everything. Attacking felt super awkward and half the time didn't even seem to work. Like I'd click on an enemy and Geralt would just stand there. I'm also not liking how you have to switch between different styles for different enemies. Graphics are indeed dated, but seem to be on par with what I can remember other games from back then looking like. I'm also not liking that you don't start out knowing all the Signs, but instead it seems like you'll learn them as you go along. I'll probably end up playing something else before I really dive into this one.
Hmm, I know that story-wise, it doesn't have a huge impact on the events of Witcher 2 or 3, so I guess I made my peace with not playing the game.

Have to say, it amazes that you and Rax both have a completionist streak that exceeds my own. Witcher 1 is actually on your list of games to play. I thought I was the nut.
Jimbo wrote:I got the ending where everyone lived and they hugged it out in the end. I guess that was the best ending, but it seemed kinda... weird. Like, after nearly killing half the city and her sister they just hug and make up? [gonemad]
Maybe the real ending is the one in which they DO kill each other. [eek]

I didn't find the happy ending as tone-deaf as that though, but when you put it like that...
Jimbo wrote:LOL, well, hopefully I won't have too much of a Witcher 3 hangover by the time I start playing the various FFs!
We'll see... *ominous cackle*
Eva Yojimbo wrote:[biggrin] My plan is to beat every game like Brann Dailor beats that poor drum kit of his! They're another band that's had a remarkable evolution. That was the first song off their first album, and in the 17 years since they've basically become a stellar prog AND hard rock band. Here's their proggier/rockier side: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u44bs_C ... a7&index=3
Surprisingly pretty good! The best part was the melodious bit in the middle and the guitar solo that it kicked off.
Jimbo wrote:I think what kept my interest into the convict/Sable section was just the fact that I enjoyed the combat so much. I even loved the stealth stuff despite the fact that it was really easy. It was still fun web zipping to different points to web up the guards and finding ways to lure/distract others when they were watching. Are you going to play the DLCs? I will say that they're both really short. It only took me two days to beat each of them, and that's even with getting Gold on the Screwball challenges. Story-wise, I love the stuff with Black Cat in the first, and the second notched up the intensity with Yuri going full-on badass bitch.
I can totally understand about liking that section if you're having fun with the combat... although, to be fair, I really enjoyed the combat too and think it's one of the strongest aspects of the game. Maybe I just needed to take a break or something; I guess part of me wanted to end the game asap so I could begin the much anticipated HZD and binging through that section became repetitive (as I am becoming repetitive now, lol).

I'm not sure if I'll dive into the DLCs just yet - I think I'll wait for the third DLC before I binge through them. Focused on HZD at the moment, and then will play RDR 2. That should keep me busy until Feb when Last of Us 2 will come out.
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Playing The Witcher 3

Post by Raxivace »

maz89 wrote:Have to say, it amazes that you and Rax both have a completionist streak that exceeds my own. Witcher 1 is actually on your list of games to play. I thought I was the nut.
After all those Hitchcocks and Kurosawas a few video games doesn't seem that daunting. [biggrin]
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Playing The Witcher 3

Post by Eva Yojimbo »

Raxivace wrote:
Eva Yojimbo wrote:After a quick search it seems that there's a consensus that Origins (1 & 2) don't have the problems of Chronicles and Anthology. FF4 is the tough one, though, as I'd really love to have that PSP complete collection, but hate to buy a PSP (or Vita?) for just that... though I'm sure I could find other stuff to play on there. Might even be better for older games than my giant 75" TV. I'll have to think it over... but it also seems PSN is doing a "Black Friday" sale that's good through the 27th, so I better think fast! Probably just end up playing them on an emulator.
I don't know where PSP emulation is these days but yeah that might be something to look into if you're just curious about a few games.
So what's the best GBA emulator for FFV?
Raxivace wrote:
Actually noticed FFVI is available on the SNES Classic that has a lot of games I loved back in the day and several others I never played (Earthbound, Secrets of Mana) that I've heard great things about.
I know a lot of people that loved EarthBound but I wasn't a huge fan of it myself. That one really depends on how much the game's sense of humor works on you, even if everything else is mostly solid within it.

I hear the SNES Classic is pretty easily hacked too, which means you could load any SNES game you wanted onto there...including fan translated ones I enjoy like Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Super Robot Wars 3. Those are some mean sons of bitches right there. SRW3 in particular nearly crushed my soul.
I'm sold. I just grabbed the SNESC from Gamestop.
Raxivace wrote:
Is it safe to say this is the most controversial FF game ever? I remember when it came out reading a mag that had three different reviews/ratings where one was like a 9, another was a 3, and another was a 6! So all over the map.
The dark truth about Final Fantasy is that every game is that controversial. Even FF12 has people that would take a bullet to defend the honor of that game.

That's actually kind of good though, because Final Fantasy basically reinvents itself with every new main entry.
Will be interesting to see if my impressions/opinions end up differing strongly from yours. :)
Raxivace wrote:
Hmmm, good to know. Guess I'll look into getting the original as well. I assumed it would just be a remake in the vein of Resident Evil.
Nope. Original FF7 is an ATB game like FF6 or Chrono Trigger, the remake is going to be an action RPG.
ATB? Something "turn-based" I'm guessing? Anyway, I prefer action to turn-based RPGs anyway. The turn-based stuff is one thing that used to turn (lol) me off of RPGs back in the day, even though I loved everything else. Still, I went ahead got VII from Playstation Store.
Raxivace wrote:
That's what I was referring to. I figured if I could get one that played PS2 games then I'd have all 4 systems covered. I could just replace the small HD with a new one.
Yeah I wouldn't know where to get one of those unfortunately. :(
I'm watching a few on eBay. Guess they're not as expensive as I imagined; looking like ~$100 depending on condition and what extras come with it. I'll try to snag one.
Raxivace wrote:Anyways the best Witcher game is still Soul Calibur 6.
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Playing The Witcher 3

Post by Eva Yojimbo »

maz89 wrote:
Eva Yojimbo wrote:I started playing it the other day just to get an idea and I was really struggling to get used to just using a mouse for everything. Attacking felt super awkward and half the time didn't even seem to work. Like I'd click on an enemy and Geralt would just stand there. I'm also not liking how you have to switch between different styles for different enemies. Graphics are indeed dated, but seem to be on par with what I can remember other games from back then looking like. I'm also not liking that you don't start out knowing all the Signs, but instead it seems like you'll learn them as you go along. I'll probably end up playing something else before I really dive into this one.
Hmm, I know that story-wise, it doesn't have a huge impact on the events of Witcher 2 or 3, so I guess I made my peace with not playing the game.

Have to say, it amazes that you and Rax both have a completionist streak that exceeds my own. Witcher 1 is actually on your list of games to play. I thought I was the nut.
I'm a completionist with anything I end up enjoying that much! I've actually read that Witcher 1 improves a lot as you get deeper into the game. I'm really conflicted about what difficulty to play it on, though, because if it ends up sucking I'd rather just put it on easy and breeze through it as quick as possible, but if if ends up being good I'd enjoy more of a challenge. With the wonky mechanics I may just stick to easy anyway. Sucks you also can't change the difficulty after you set it. I'd also much rather play it with a PS4 controller, but even though I set up my controller to work with the PC because of how you move the character with the mouse (hold left-click and move mouse around screen) it's nearly impossible to work with the PS4 controller.
maz89 wrote:
Jimbo wrote:I got the ending where everyone lived and they hugged it out in the end. I guess that was the best ending, but it seemed kinda... weird. Like, after nearly killing half the city and her sister they just hug and make up? [gonemad]
Maybe the real ending is the one in which they DO kill each other. [eek]
maz89 wrote:
Jimbo wrote:I think what kept my interest into the convict/Sable section was just the fact that I enjoyed the combat so much. I even loved the stealth stuff despite the fact that it was really easy. It was still fun web zipping to different points to web up the guards and finding ways to lure/distract others when they were watching. Are you going to play the DLCs? I will say that they're both really short. It only took me two days to beat each of them, and that's even with getting Gold on the Screwball challenges. Story-wise, I love the stuff with Black Cat in the first, and the second notched up the intensity with Yuri going full-on badass bitch.
I can totally understand about liking that section if you're having fun with the combat... although, to be fair, I really enjoyed the combat too and think it's one of the strongest aspects of the game. Maybe I just needed to take a break or something; I guess part of me wanted to end the game asap so I could begin the much anticipated HZD and binging through that section became repetitive (as I am becoming repetitive now, lol).

I'm not sure if I'll dive into the DLCs just yet - I think I'll wait for the third DLC before I binge through them. Focused on HZD at the moment, and then will play RDR 2. That should keep me busy until Feb when Last of Us 2 will come out.
Fair enough on the DLCs. I kinda wished I'd waited too as it's easier to follow the storyline when you play them closer together.
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Playing The Witcher 3

Post by Raxivace »

Eva Yojimbo wrote:So what's the best GBA emulator for FFV?
I loaded an emulator onto my Vita and used that, but for PC it seems "Visual Boy Advance" has the highest average rating from users on Emulator-Zone.com
I'm sold. I just grabbed the SNESC from Gamestop.
Will be interesting to see if my impressions/opinions end up differing strongly from yours. :)
Yeah it's always possible.

That's actually why I find it hard to recommend video games because a lot of the niche stuff I like seems to have polarized reactions like that. At least a movie is usually only 90 minutes to 2 hours of someone's time. I'd hate to recommend some niche JRPG to someone that takes 30-60 hours and they end up hating it.
ATB? Something "turn-based" I'm guessing? Anyway, I prefer action to turn-based RPGs anyway. The turn-based stuff is one thing that used to turn (lol) me off of RPGs back in the day, even though I loved everything else. Still, I went ahead got VII from Playstation Store.
Active Time Battle. Technically most of the games aren't really turn based but your ability to perform an action is based on a timer. In something like FF6 for example, if you just set the controller down for example enemies will eventually kill you.

I think the "Wait Mode" setting more closely resembles proper turn based games but it works a little differently than other games since you still have speed stats or whatever that affect how quickly you can get to performing actions.
I'm watching a few on eBay. Guess they're not as expensive as I imagined; looking like ~$100 depending on condition and what extras come with it. I'll try to snag one.
Cool. I thought about getting one of those but I still have my old PS2 anyways and was able to hack it to play import games and English patched games through a convoluted involving a James Bond game, Action Replay Max, a USB stick, scissors, an old school ID, and bandages for the cut I received during the process.

Also if you get that PS3 you can play Silent Hill 2 and 3! Preferably the PS2 versions though and not the PS3 ports.
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Playing The Witcher 3

Post by Eva Yojimbo »

Raxivace wrote:
Eva Yojimbo wrote:So what's the best GBA emulator for FFV?
I loaded an emulator onto my Vita and used that, but for PC it seems "Visual Boy Advance" has the highest average rating from users on Emulator-Zone.com
OK, I'll snag that too. Also, are you aware of the FFV "fixes" out there that are supposed to improve on the sound of the GBA version? I kinda skimmed over it when doing a bit of research last night but it was too late to really try to figure anything out.
Raxivace wrote:That's actually why I find it hard to recommend video games because a lot of the niche stuff I like seems to have polarized reactions like that. At least a movie is usually only 90 minutes to 2 hours of someone's time. I'd hate to recommend some niche JRPG to someone that takes 30-60 hours and they end up hating it.
In all honesty, I can't remember playing many games that I absolutely hated, though that might be because in my old gaming days I wasn't quite as critical and if I didn't like something I usually just stopped playing it and returned it to the rental store so it wasn't a big deal.
Raxivace wrote:
ATB? Something "turn-based" I'm guessing? Anyway, I prefer action to turn-based RPGs anyway. The turn-based stuff is one thing that used to turn (lol) me off of RPGs back in the day, even though I loved everything else. Still, I went ahead got VII from Playstation Store.
Active Time Battle. Technically most of the games aren't really turn based but your ability to perform an action is based on a timer. In something like FF6 for example, if you just set the controller down for example enemies will eventually kill you.

I think the "Wait Mode" setting more closely resembles proper turn based games but it works a little differently than other games since you still have speed stats or whatever that affect how quickly you can get to performing actions.
Ah, gotcha. That sounds more interesting.
Raxivace wrote:Also if you get that PS3 you can play Silent Hill 2 and 3! Preferably the PS2 versions though and not the PS3 ports.
Believe it or not it was actually those Silent Hill games that convinced me I better hunt for a backwards compatible PS3!
Raxivace wrote:
[/quote]Ha! I didn't know about this! And I've seen people play Soul Caliber 6 online.
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Playing The Witcher 3

Post by Raxivace »

Eva Yojimbo wrote:OK, I'll snag that too. Also, are you aware of the FFV "fixes" out there that are supposed to improve on the sound of the GBA version? I kinda skimmed over it when doing a bit of research last night but it was too late to really try to figure anything out.
I've had my FFV rom for nearly a decade at this point so I honestly just can't remember whether I ever applied such patches or not. I don't remember having any issues with the sound when I played FFV earlier this year FWIW.
In all honesty, I can't remember playing many games that I absolutely hated, though that might be because in my old gaming days I wasn't quite as critical and if I didn't like something I usually just stopped playing it and returned it to the rental store so it wasn't a big deal.
Yeah I guess it was actually pretty different back in the era of Blockbuster and such.

In general I usually self-select for games I think I'm going to like anyways. This leaves out 99% of all non-Japanese games ever made though, which I think befuddles poor maz lol.
]Ah, gotcha. That sounds more interesting.
In some ways it is. I think there's something to be said about a well done traditional turn based system too though.

Like FFX doesn't use ATB and that game had a solid one IMO. FFX-2 does use ATB though, interestingly.
Believe it or not it was actually those Silent Hill games that convinced me I better hunt for a backwards compatible PS3!

Btw when you buy Silent Hill 2 make sure to buy the one that comes with the "Born from a Wish" extra scenario.
Ha! I didn't know about this! And I've seen people play Soul Caliber 6 online.
Yeah Soul Calibur really loves having guest characters in their roster these days. I know 2B from NieR: Automata is going to be in the game too as DLC.

Bring on all the gothic anime girls, I say.
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Playing The Witcher 3

Post by Eva Yojimbo »

Raxivace wrote:
Eva Yojimbo wrote:OK, I'll snag that too. Also, are you aware of the FFV "fixes" out there that are supposed to improve on the sound of the GBA version? I kinda skimmed over it when doing a bit of research last night but it was too late to really try to figure anything out.
I've had my FFV rom for nearly a decade at this point so I honestly just can't remember whether I ever applied such patches or not. I don't remember having any issues with the sound when I played FFV earlier this year FWIW.
I went ahead and downloaded the patch anyway. Couldn't hurt, and it seems with the VBA all you have to do is name the patch the same as the game and it auto-loads. I also got it set up to work with my PS4 controller so that's good. Same with Final Fantasy IV and the PSP emulator I found. If I start finding many more PSP/Vita games I may go ahead and invest in one. Any games you'd say are particularly worth playing on those?
Raxivace wrote:
In all honesty, I can't remember playing many games that I absolutely hated, though that might be because in my old gaming days I wasn't quite as critical and if I didn't like something I usually just stopped playing it and returned it to the rental store so it wasn't a big deal.
Yeah I guess it was actually pretty different back in the era of Blockbuster and such.

In general I usually self-select for games I think I'm going to like anyways. This leaves out 99% of all non-Japanese games ever made though, which I think befuddles poor maz lol.
For years we actually used the local PriceMart that had a deal for 5 movies/games for $5 for 5 days. Pretty sweet deal, and I'd usually rent 2-3 games at a time and would mostly just spend time playing whichever one I liked the most. After that it was Hollywood Video, which was usually a bit cheaper than Blockbuster (and also closer, which helped).

LOL, biased much? Back in the day I never paid any attention to what country any game I rented was from. I still wouldn't put too much stock in it, unless I start noticing a trend of loving games from one country I guess, but that would seem rather weird to me.
Raxivace wrote:
Believe it or not it was actually those Silent Hill games that convinced me I better hunt for a backwards compatible PS3!

Btw when you buy Silent Hill 2 make sure to buy the one that comes with the "Born from a Wish" extra scenario.
Thanks for the tip. I also grabbed the MGS Legacy Collection and MGSV. Got one PS3 auction going off in about 20 minutes too. Probably the one in the best condition of those I've seen, so I'm really going to try for it. Debating what my max bid should be, though...
Raxivace wrote:Bring on all the gothic anime girls, I say.
No objection from me. :)
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Playing The Witcher 3

Post by Raxivace »

Eva Yojimbo wrote:Any games you'd say are particularly worth playing on those?
There are some Metal Gear spinoffs you could get that aren't in the Legacy Collection.

Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops is kind of neat but wasn't directed by Kojima and doesn't have the tightest of gameplay. How "canon" it is is up for debate too. All of a single somewhat dismissive line in Peace Walker references it, while a lot of its events are just kind of ignored. It does form the basis for the gameplay for Peace Walker and Phantom Pain though.

Metal Gear Acid and Metal Gear Acid 2 are card-based strategy RPG's that I had a lot of fun with (Though are completely disconnected from the actual MGS story). I think Acid 1 had the better story and atmosphere but Acid 2 had way smoother gameplay.

Persona 3 Portable is also on PSP as well and was pretty good. Very different from Final Fantasy.

I guess you could get the PSP versions of Final Fantasy 1 and 2 as well if you have that emulator working.
For years we actually used the local PriceMart that had a deal for 5 movies/games for $5 for 5 days. Pretty sweet deal, and I'd usually rent 2-3 games at a time and would mostly just spend time playing whichever one I liked the most. After that it was Hollywood Video, which was usually a bit cheaper than Blockbuster (and also closer, which helped).
For most of my life I was near a Blockbuster, though when I was real young there was a Hollywood Video too.

I kind of miss the experience of the rental store tbh.
LOL, biased much? Back in the day I never paid any attention to what country any game I rented was from. I still wouldn't put too much stock in it, unless I start noticing a trend of loving games from one country I guess, but that would seem rather weird to me.
Ah but Jimbo, all of these Final Fantasies and Metal Gears and Silent Hills you're buying up are Japanese too. [wink]
Thanks for the tip. I also grabbed the MGS Legacy Collection and MGSV. Got one PS3 auction going off in about 20 minutes too. Probably the one in the best condition of those I've seen, so I'm really going to try for it. Debating what my max bid should be, though...
If you're getting MGSV make sure you're getting the "Definitive Edition" which comes with both Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain.

Also you might want to get Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance on the PS3, that also isn't in the Legacy Collection. Kojima didn't direct that one either, but there are stronger reasons to believe it is included in his vision of the franchise than even Portable Ops.
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Playing The Witcher 3

Post by Eva Yojimbo »

Raxivace wrote:
Eva Yojimbo wrote:Any games you'd say are particularly worth playing on those?
There are some Metal Gear spinoffs you could get that aren't in the Legacy Collection.

Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops is kind of neat but wasn't directed by Kojima and doesn't have the tightest of gameplay. How "canon" it is is up for debate too. All of a single somewhat dismissive line in Peace Walker references it, while a lot of its events are just kind of ignored. It does form the basis for the gameplay for Peace Walker and Phantom Pain though.

Metal Gear Acid and Metal Gear Acid 2 are card-based strategy RPG's that I had a lot of fun with (Though are completely disconnected from the actual MGS story). I think Acid 1 had the better story and atmosphere but Acid 2 had way smoother gameplay.

Persona 3 Portable is also on PSP as well and was pretty good. Very different from Final Fantasy.

I guess you could get the PSP versions of Final Fantasy 1 and 2 as well if you have that emulator working.
Not many games to buy a whole system for! But I'll keep my eye out. I think I'm about spent-out for the year!
Raxivace wrote:I kind of miss the experience of the rental store tbh.
QFT. Loved browsing in those stores. Also how I discovered a ton of classic films.
Raxivace wrote:
LOL, biased much? Back in the day I never paid any attention to what country any game I rented was from. I still wouldn't put too much stock in it, unless I start noticing a trend of loving games from one country I guess, but that would seem rather weird to me.
Ah but Jimbo, all of these Final Fantasies and Metal Gears and Silent Hills you're buying up are Japanese too. [wink]
Oh, I realize that, but Spider-Man and Witcher 3 weren't and, well, I kinda liked those.
Raxivace wrote:
Thanks for the tip. I also grabbed the MGS Legacy Collection and MGSV. Got one PS3 auction going off in about 20 minutes too. Probably the one in the best condition of those I've seen, so I'm really going to try for it. Debating what my max bid should be, though...
If you're getting MGSV make sure you're getting the "Definitive Edition" which comes with both Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain.

Also you might want to get Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance on the PS3, that also isn't in the Definitive Edition. Kojima didn't direct that one either, but there are strong reasons to believe it is included in his vision of the franchise than even Portable Ops.
I did get the Definitive Edition. I guess I'll grab Revengeance too. Damn my wallet is crying uncle right now!

I did get the PS3 I wanted. $120, which was a bit more than the others I saw but it had all the original stuff (box, manuals, etc.) and seemed the least scratched up. Now I'll just have to replace the HD with a nice, fat, 1TB one and I'll be all set for the foreseeable gaming future!
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Playing The Witcher 3

Post by Raxivace »

Eva Yojimbo wrote:Not many games to buy a whole system for! But I'll keep my eye out. I think I'm about spent-out for the year!
There's other stuff on there I liked too, but unless you're interested in completely untranslated video games where EVA-01 teams up with RahXephon to save the universe there's not much else I can recommend lol.
QFT. Loved browsing in those stores. Also how I discovered a ton of classic films.
Yeah, especially before the internet it even seemed like the only connection a kid might have to the outside world.
Oh, I realize that, but Spider-Man and Witcher 3 weren't and, well, I kinda liked those.
"Kinda liked"? You gave Witcher 3 like a 9.5 lol.
I did get the Definitive Edition. I guess I'll grab Revengeance too. Damn my wallet is crying uncle right now!
Just think of it as Santa coming early this year, but needing a little extra cash to keep up.

Speaking of which, Santa is definitely real.

I'm not going to tell Big Boss that Santa isn't real at least.
I did get the PS3 I wanted. $120, which was a bit more than the others I saw but it had all the original stuff (box, manuals, etc.) and seemed the least scratched up. Now I'll just have to replace the HD with a nice, fat, 1TB one and I'll be all set for the foreseeable gaming future!
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Playing The Witcher 3

Post by Eva Yojimbo »

Raxivace wrote:
Eva Yojimbo wrote:Not many games to buy a whole system for! But I'll keep my eye out. I think I'm about spent-out for the year!
There's other stuff on there I liked too, but unless you're interested in completely untranslated video games where EVA-01 teams up with RahXephon to save the universe there's not much else I can recommend lol.
That EVa/Rah team-up sounds pretty epic!
Raxivace wrote:
Oh, I realize that, but Spider-Man and Witcher 3 weren't and, well, I kinda liked those.
"Kinda liked"? You gave Witcher 3 like a 9.5 lol.
It's called "understatement." [wink]
Raxivace wrote:Speaking of which, Santa is definitely real.

I'm not going to tell Big Boss that Santa isn't real at least.
Lol. Hail Santa!
Raxivace wrote:
I did get the PS3 I wanted. $120, which was a bit more than the others I saw but it had all the original stuff (box, manuals, etc.) and seemed the least scratched up. Now I'll just have to replace the HD with a nice, fat, 1TB one and I'll be all set for the foreseeable gaming future!
Well, fuck, the little shit canceled because he says his dog knocked the unit off the kitchen table and now it's broken. He did say he'd send me some free games for compensation. Guess I'm onto option #2. Not as nice and no box and stuff, but it's about $30 cheaper so, meh.
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Playing The Witcher 3

Post by Raxivace »

Eva Yojimbo wrote:That EVa/Rah team-up sounds pretty epic!

Indeed. They have become heroes with burning hearts of justice.
It's called "understatement." [wink]
Oh yeah, well, your face is an understatement. How about that?
For some reason I expected Robot Santa from Futurama lol.
Well, fuck, the little shit canceled because he says his dog knocked the unit off the kitchen table and now it's broken. He did say he'd send me some free games for compensation. Guess I'm onto option #2. Not as nice and no box and stuff, but it's about $30 cheaper so, meh.
Most of my Ebay experiences have been like this. [sad]

What free games? Also at least there are other options...
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Re: I'm Playing Various Video Games in 2018

Post by Kuribo4 »

Raxivace wrote: let alone some stuff that would seem random without context- like Mythra having a giant robot in the final battle comes kind of out of nowhere in Torna.
True lol. It seems like a very marketing oriented statement by Nintendo.
I wouldn't play it between Chapters 7 and 8 either tbh. I think you would just lose continuity between managing the two parties.
And Xenoblade 2 gets so cool right there. I wouldn't want to interrupt that.
Yeah when I was 12-13 Rex is the kind of character I would have wanted to be. Nice guy, cool sword, goes on adventures, hangs out with cute girls etc.

Hell, I still want to do that lol.
Same here. Probably why we are playing these games lol.
Yeah I go back and forth on that whole dream sequence. If its Rex's doubt about himself coming through the versions of the party he fights, that means Rex is in that weird grey area in regards to Nia's feelings (Remember this comes after Nia's failed love confession earlier that Rex seems to misunderstand). If its the rest of the party's (Partially repressed?) doubts about Rex though that makes the actual feelings being expressed make more sense and puts a bit of a darker (But not like, grimdark or anything) spin on the whole journey up until this point.
I think I understood it as Klaus wanting to show how flawed humans are. After all, that's why he destroyed everything. It's like he's saying "Look, you were all doubting each other". And the point the game makes I think is that that isn't so bad. It's just a human thing. So I think it's the second option, that these were things going through the parties head.
Also the part with Rex living together with both Pyra and Mythra was probably what he was desiring deep down who wouldn't, but it was showing how unnatural this was. Something about it feels wrong (I know their behaviours are switched around). That part somehow really got to me lol.
Looking at Klaus' explanation on YouTube again, it comes off as pretty vague (In the English version at least)
And sadly the international versions are just translated from the English script. So no alternative interpretation of the original there.
It's a bizarre bit of dialogue, especially transcribed like this. Klaus' use of terms like "alternate possibilities" seems to suggest the dreams aren't related at all, but saying "other selves that lie within" does. Klaus doesn't actually disagree with what Zeke says, but its never made clear that everyone saw the same visions either. Zeke says "same kind of stuff", but that's a pretty ambiguous phrase in its own right...but Nia says "it". You saw "it" too.

Idk. Xenoblade 2, man.
Yeah lol. I remember thinking what they were saying was very vague. I suppose each characters had visions of the other characters attacking them and revealing some negative thoughts they harbored. So maybe Rex was attacking the others too? That would have been interesting to see.

Even for how "shounen" Rex is, the dude sure gets his ass beat a lot in the game. I remember a common complaint about Xenoblade 2 even being people getting annoyed that they'd defeat bosses only to see the party get beaten up in a cutscene right after.
Oh yeah. And Jin at some point seems totally unbeatable. What's cool is how Rex learns from this, and how he realizes this was due to him not connecting well to PyMythra. He calls himself out too later on. He was a fun character to see grow.
I have not but brb, buying swimsuit DLC.
Tora's new skin is funny too.
I haven't bought any skins, but I've seen on YouTube how people use them in cutscenes. It seems like a modded game, but it isn't.
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Re: I'm Playing Various Video Games in 2018

Post by Kuribo4 »

Eva Yojimbo wrote:
This game is horrible for my OCD. I've literally been getting about 5 hours of sleep the last several nights because I'm playing this game
It could be me saying this. I see I'm not alone with this particular "problem". Especially these last two years there have been several games I was so hooked on, and I used to be someone who would play for shorter sessions.
And these games are totally the natural enemy of ocd.

I read your Witcher impressions. Never sure if the game would be for me, but it does totally seem impressive.
In case you don't know, this same developer is making a cyberpunk game, also set in a huge open world. I think it was literally called Cyberpunk...
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Done Playing The Witcher 3

Post by maz89 »

It is called Cyberpunk!

I've said this before: it comes across as impressive in the trailers and I have high hopes from the developers after Witcher 3, but I really hope it's more than just a cool, shiny, futuristic GTA.
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Done Playing The Witcher 3

Post by Raxivace »

That first trailer just completely killed any interest I might have had in Cyperpunk. :/
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Re: I'm Playing Various Video Games in 2018

Post by Raxivace »

Kuribo4 wrote:I think I understood it as Klaus wanting to show how flawed humans are. After all, that's why he destroyed everything. It's like he's saying "Look, you were all doubting each other". And the point the game makes I think is that that isn't so bad. It's just a human thing. So I think it's the second option, that these were things going through the parties head.
Also the part with Rex living together with both Pyra and Mythra was probably what he was desiring deep down who wouldn't, but it was showing how unnatural this was. Something about it feels wrong (I know their behaviours are switched around). That part somehow really got to me lol.
I think this is probably right but Idk, I'll probably never be completely satisfied with one explanation over the other.
Yeah lol. I remember thinking what they were saying was very vague. I suppose each characters had visions of the other characters attacking them and revealing some negative thoughts they harbored. So maybe Rex was attacking the others too? That would have been interesting to see.
Yeah if that's the case I really wonder what "Rex" might have been saying to the others. It's weird that they just wouldn't show it at all either too if we're expected to believe it happened.
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Done Playing The Witcher 3

Post by maz89 »

Raxivace wrote:That first trailer just completely killed any interest I might have had in Cyperpunk. :/
As much as it pains me to say this, I know what you mean.

As an optimist, still hoping it ends up wowing me though.
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Playing The Witcher 3

Post by Eva Yojimbo »

Raxivace wrote:
Eva Yojimbo wrote:That EVa/Rah team-up sounds pretty epic!

Indeed. They have become heroes with burning hearts of justice.
Nice to see Yui hasn't lost her appetite!
Raxivace wrote:
It's called "understatement." [wink]
Oh yeah, well, your face is an understatement. How about that?
This kinda seems like a compliment!
Raxivace wrote:
Well, fuck, the little shit canceled because he says his dog knocked the unit off the kitchen table and now it's broken. He did say he'd send me some free games for compensation. Guess I'm onto option #2. Not as nice and no box and stuff, but it's about $30 cheaper so, meh.
Most of my Ebay experiences have been like this. [sad]

What free games? Also at least there are other options...
It's one reason I stay away from eBay when I can (except for professional sellers, who are usually reliable).

Skate 3 and Need for Speed Rivals. Nothing I'm interested in, but I can at least sell them and get a bit of money back.
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Re: I'm Playing Various Video Games in 2018

Post by Eva Yojimbo »

Kuribo4 wrote:
Eva Yojimbo wrote:
This game is horrible for my OCD. I've literally been getting about 5 hours of sleep the last several nights because I'm playing this game
It could be me saying this. I see I'm not alone with this particular "problem". Especially these last two years there have been several games I was so hooked on, and I used to be someone who would play for shorter sessions.
And these games are totally the natural enemy of ocd.

I read your Witcher impressions. Never sure if the game would be for me, but it does totally seem impressive.
In case you don't know, this same developer is making a cyberpunk game, also set in a huge open world. I think it was literally called Cyberpunk...
Man, it sure was fun being so involved in the Witcher-verse, but I kinda hope I don't get so obsessed again that I start losing sleep! It was equal parts exhilarating and exhausting!

Any particular reason you thought The Witcher wouldn't be for you? Hadn't heard about Cyberpunk, but I'll have to check it out.
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Done Playing The Witcher 3

Post by Kuribo4 »

Guys, sorry that I can't answer posts or DMs right now.
https://twitter.com/evangelion_co/statu ... 1507874816

https://twitter.com/NXOnNetflix/status/ ... 7534409728

I think it's gonna be the BD remaster! You know, the ome that otherwise costs over 500$.
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Done Playing The Witcher 3

Post by Raxivace »

Oh shit.

I'd still prefer my own blu-rays though...
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Done Playing The Witcher 3

Post by Raxivace »

Some screens of RE2make have leaked.


Mr. X is back, Leon no longer wears bandages OVER his uniform, Ada still has a playable section, and from the sounds of it Sherry's part of the story is getting expanded and/or changed. From what people are saying online, she ends up in some kind of orphanage area at one point (Which wasn't in the original game), and the fourth screenshot here seems to supports that.
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Done Playing The Witcher 3

Post by Eva Yojimbo »

Kuribo4 wrote:Guys, sorry that I can't answer posts or DMs right now.
https://twitter.com/evangelion_co/statu ... 1507874816

https://twitter.com/NXOnNetflix/status/ ... 7534409728

I think it's gonna be the BD remaster! You know, the ome that otherwise costs over 500$.
I'd also prefer having the blu-rays, but this is better than nothing!
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Done Playing The Witcher 3

Post by Eva Yojimbo »

I decided to start playing FFIV on the PSP emulator (I'll wait until I get my new headphones before I play any more PS4 games). A few hiccups to start (sound skipping, video was wonky in full-screen), but they seemed to resolve themselves at some point. I guess I'm most surprised by how good the game looks even on my big-ass TV screen considering it was made in the 16-bit era. I guess they really did give it a nice makeover for the PSP. Anyway, I only played a few hours yesterday but I thoroughly enjoyed it. It very much seems like a classic RPG, but I'm guessing that this is where the ATB thing started as well as the series offering more depth to the characters and story. Only annoyance right now is that there's some baddies where you pretty much have to use magic to beat them and the game seems really stingy on the Aether item that restores MP.
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Done Playing The Witcher 3

Post by Raxivace »

As FF4 is one of the few mainline games I haven't played, I won't be able to give you much help unfortunately. :(

I know in earlier FF games (Particularly 2 and 3) that some items were harder to come by, though for me that was Phoenix Downs in those games.

EDIT: Also yeah, they did a really good job with the spritework for the PSP versions of 1, 2, and 4.

This is comparing FF1's NES version to the PSP so its a little different than comparing a SNES game but wow.



I can understand the nostalgic appeal of 8-bit NES sprites (And there are several games I prefer that way) but damn there was no lack of effort in those PSP releases.

Except for PSP FF3.

We don't talk about the PSP release of FF3.
Last edited by Raxivace on Wed Nov 28, 2018 10:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Done Playing The Witcher 3

Post by Raxivace »

Also I sent you a Friend Request on PSN too btw.
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Re: Eva_Yojimbo is Done Playing The Witcher 3

Post by Eva Yojimbo »

Raxivace wrote:As FF4 is one of the few mainline games I haven't played, I won't be able to give you much help unfortunately. :(

I know in earlier FF games (Particularly 2 and 3) that some items were harder to come by, though for me that was Phoenix Downs in those games.

EDIT: Also yeah, they did a really good job with the spritework for the PSP versions of 1, 2, and 4.

This is comparing FF1's NES version to the PSP so its a little different than comparing a SNES game but wow.



I can understand the nostalgic appeal of 8-bit NES sprites (And there are several games I prefer that way) but damn there was no lack of effort in those PSP releases.

Except for PSP FF3.

We don't talk about the PSP release of FF3.
No problem on not being able to help out; this seems like pretty familiar/comfortable territory for me anyway. The thing about Aether in FFIV is that you can't purchase it from any of the vendors, at least none that I've found so far, and there doesn't seem to be much in the various treasure chests either.

That is quite an impressive difference!

What's so bad about PSP FF3? I grabbed it too just for completeness sake, but if it's that bad I might hunt down the original and figure out some way to get a translation patch or something.
Raxivace wrote:Also I sent you a Friend Request on PSN too btw.
I'll add you next time I'm on there.
"As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being." -- Carl Jung
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