Boy Meets World

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Boy Meets World

Post by Gendo »

Finished Boy Meets World the other day. Never watched it growing up, even though I would have been about the right age to get into it when it was on (I would have basically been the same age as the characters).

As a whole, it was excellent. The characters were so well-written; especially Eric and Shawn, as they were the ones that really saw character growth and change throughout.

The comedy was pretty good; not great. We laughed plenty, but a lot of it was your standard sitcom stuff. What really sold it was the serious parts; the very real struggles they went through.

Season 1 was a very strong start; we were impressed. Seasons 2 and 3 were a step down from that; as it seemed like almost every episode was just about chasing girls. But it picked back up from there, and continued strong until the end.

The biggest downside to the series overall was the lack of consistency and continuity. I'm not so much talking about the skipping years even (yes, at at least 2 different times in the show, characters just skip over a year of age/school between seasons). But moreso the dropped plot points that would have helped to hold the world together as a real place. Things such as:
  • They buy an outdoors supplies store - For a few episodes, this is important, as a good bit of the show revolved around Alan's unhappiness at his old job. But then, the store is never mentioned for more than a year. Not that every episode needs to be about that, but the fact that his parents are the owners of a business should have made an impact on Cory's world.
  • Morgan - She was always a very minor character, with at most 1 episode as being somewhat about her going on her first date. But for years in a row, you completely forget that Cory even has a sister.
  • Joshua - Also, after he's born and gets 1 episode later that season, he's completely forgotten about. He shows up in the final episode (having aged a couple years in just a year); when Cory first started talking to him I was like "wait, who is that?" And then I remembered that they actually had another baby.
Things like that. Where there's these things going on in the world that just aren't mentioned. And I would love to know what happened to Mr. Turner (in-universe).

Anyway, definitely one of the better sitcoms out there.
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Re: Boy Meets World

Post by CashRules »

Mr. Turner returns in Girl Meets World. Yes, I know this because reasons.
You can't hang a man for killing a woman who's trying to steal his horse.
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Re: Boy Meets World

Post by Cassius Clay »

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Eva Yojimbo
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Re: Boy Meets World

Post by Eva Yojimbo »

I watched the show as a young kid, and then I revisited it with my mom (who actually got into it way more than me) when it was in reruns on Disney. It was definitely a decent show for its type, but it was quite inconsistent when it came to continuity and other elements within the writing. Even tonally, the latter seasons were extremely different from the early ones and at times it became more of an absurdist comedy with the characters often more like caricatures. The early episodes had a natural charm to them, even if they were the stuff of typical sit-coms. Still, some of my favorite moments come from the later episodes, including from the outtakes:

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