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Anakin McFly
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This article is gross

Post by Anakin McFly »

No UK asylum for cross-dressing Singaporean

I mean, I agree that she probably doesn't qualify for asylum, but it's like the writer went specifically out of his way to be obnoxious. This is the national newspaper, too, which means that the article likely went through multiple rounds of approval before getting published. [gonemad]

Reservist training = basically a few weeks of military training every few years (or decades, if you're lucky), which all legally-male, able-bodied citizens have to undergo until the age of 40, I think. So it's this uber-masculine environment full of men doing macho army things, in which a trans woman who's lived as female for over a decade would obviously do fine in. /sarcasm

On the bright side, the army has in the past been surprisingly awesome about trans women, so she might be lucky.

...I might actually be getting a job offer from the newspaper in question. A friend who used to work in news media and is friends with the people in charge there sent them my resume and portfolio with high recommendations. [none]
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