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I've been in a chill mood so I'm being totally calm while he rants at me about how I'm in denial at the obvious anti- white heterosexual male agenda that Zionists and Lena Dunham have been orchestrating in order to control the masses. Not sure what their end game is.
But again I'm struck by how he's operating from a separate universe of alternative facts, some of which are easily disproven with a quick google search - such as the claim that non-white countries aren't taking in any refugees. Turkey currently has 1.9 million Syrian refugees, almost half the total, with 1.1 million in Lebanon, compared to numbers like 98k in Germany (by far the most in an European country), 18k in Austria and 7k in France and the UK. Japan has been heavily criticised for not accepting refugees, but they try to make up for it by donating billions in aid.
So many of the facts he's using are blatantly untrue, but then he thinks the same of most of mine, and it gets disturbingly relativistic when it comes down to which news sources can be trusted and which are just fake news. Because how do I know anything is true, anyway? the media shapes everything, and no media is free of bias, including the media that tells you what media is biased.
(on hindsight I also regret letting him know I wasn't a straight white man, because he was being a lot more respectful and open to considering my points when he assumed I was.)