I think I posted about this before but I can't find it lol.
Movie is about a cis male hitman played by Michelle Rodriguez who gets forcibly surgeried into a female body by Sigourney Weaver, whereupon he's horrified about no longer having a dick and goes around killing people.
It sounds beautifully terrible, and I'm annoyed at the number of articles coming out (almost exclusively from cis writers) freaking out at how allegedly transphobic this movie is for reasons that are themselves actually transphobic - stuff like how it reinforces the idea that surgery can't change your gender (IT CAN'T, THAT'S THE POINT), or that trans women are actually mutilated men, or that trans women will regret sex reassignment surgery, or that having a female body is terrible, or that no man will ever want to be a woman (IF THEY DO, THEY'RE PROBABLY NOT MEN), or that one way to make it more ~respectful~ to the trans community would have been if the movie had shown him adjusting to his identity over time and coming to enjoy being a woman, when holy zarquon HE'S NOT A TRANS WOMAN, NUMBNUTS, THAT'S THE ENTIRE POINT, and if they'd actually gone that route I would actually be offended.
I mean, based on the detailed plot summaries there's plenty other things to get upset about, but this is one thing they actually got right (man with female body = still a man). Yet people are completely failing to realise that trans men actually exist, and insist on interpreting the character as a trans woman whom the filmmakers keep offensively insisting is a man, not realising that they're doing exactly what they're criticising them for.